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Hopefully Hobo has found his new home

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Oh, he looks even more adorable, doesn't he?

Lisa, I handed out the flyers at our darts match, although, unfortunately, there weren't many folk there. However, one very small glimmer of hope is that one chap said that he has friends coming over to France next month who have lost a dog and may (just may)  be looking for another. He took one of my flyers and promised that he would talk to his friends about Hobo and he also promised to e-mail me to let me know the outcome (either way). So when I hear anything, I'll let you know.

It's a long shot, but you never know.

I keep telling my OH that Roqui could do with a pal! He (Roqui, that is!) does have my Mum's Golden Retriever here but she's 8 now and not really that interested in playing his rough and tumble games! However, for the present, unfortunately (and to my annoyance), my OH isn't budging.

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Hi Magnolia,  Nop no joy at all everyone seems to have dogs already.  I do have one or two weak leads but I'm not getting my hopes up.  I have been telling everyone about Joy as he has really touched my heart and I can't stop thinking about him.  He looks like such a lovely chap.

Lisa x


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Evening Anna,  Thanks for all you have done and you never know and you can only but try.  If you need any other photo's just ask l have loads.  I too am doing some flyers to hand out,  I thought about putting some in the super markets what do you think ?.  I have them in the local vets too but they have been there weeks with no inquiries at all. 

Hope you have a good weekend


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Hi Lisa and Magnolia

Well, another Saturday night and...what are we doing....yes, sitting at our PCs...sad or what!!

Yes, I think putting up some posters in the supermarkets would be a good idea. Worth a try, you just never know, after all, Hobo just needs one family to want him! I'll put some up too this coming week.

Same with Joy, maybe worth a try, Mags?

Enjoy your weekend too....meant to rain next week! Can't complain though as this has been a great spell of weather.

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Hobo has just left with his new family and his new companion Katie the very big dog.  If she does not think Hobo is the one for her he will come back to me which l so dont mind as l miss him already.  So watch this space and l will let you know how he is getting on.  I'm sure he will be happy especialy as he was a true gentleman this morning. 

Good luck Hobo

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Hi Mag,  Im happy for him but l must of got attached as l can't stop crying.  The couple who have adopted him might bring him back as their  dog does not like other dogs much but she just lost her sister and is lonely but l do have a good feeling about it. 

just can't wait to hear how he is getting on.

Don't worry joy is next on my list.  I had an offer to put an add at an english shop near me for hobo but l am going to put one instead for Joy.  They said they have a steady stream of English in so you never know. 

Shame we don't live nearer each other so we could get together,  Who knows maybe one day.

Don't worry this site does not get rid of me that easy and just want to say a big thanks to you you have  been great.


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Bless you Lisa. Joy's had a bit of a tough time with all the changes here but coping pretty well considering. The pup we have with us is going to her new home on sunday so life should generally settle down a bit.

If you fancy coming on board to help with awareness, fundraising etc etc let me know. Also, we're desperate for foster carers so maybe you could get the word out about that for me?

I understand your mixed emotions with Hobo. I was exactly the same when Roqui left us but knowing that he's in a fantastic home takes the edge off a bit. And you've done a wonderful job with persevering in finding a home for the boy. You ought to be very proud of yourself. Congratulations [:D] [8-|] [:-))] [I] [;-)] [blink] !!!!!!

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Fantastic, just read the good news for Hobo (and Lisa!). Yes, your perseverence has certainly paid off. What a heart of gold you have, Lisa for taking Hobo in and looking after him, even although you had enough to cope with.

Has he gone far away from you or will you be able to see him occasionally?

Well done and take a big pat on the back!

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Hi Mag,  I will help anyway l can,  l will foster again  as soon as l know Hobo is settled as l can't cope with more than three dogs and my two are demanding.  I don't have an inclosed garden but l have to watch my rufus anyway so any new dog would have the supervision and a bed food and a settee to lay on plus a family life till l find a new home but the dog would have to be good with kids and be able to put up with rufus and venus's ways.  If l had kennels l would take any dog but having a dog in your home sorry to be picky  would have to be homable and not have to many probs l have enough of them with my two.  We dont have any spare money for vets and stuff in fact we're skint but we have what we have and are willing to help.  With you knowing that i'm always here.  From now on l will always point people looking for a dog to this site.  I had two couples looking for a dog and was interested in Hobo but are not ready to take for a few months so l am going to email them tonight to let them know Hobo has gone but for them to concider Joy or one of the pups or one of the other dogs as there are plenty to choose from.

I will privite message you my email in case you need it and you can't get me on here


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Hi Anna,  It is great news and you will be glad to know l have stopped crying now.  Just hope that the girl dog does take to him but if not l have told them they can bring him back.  Hobo is only an hour away and they have said they will keep in contact with me to let me know how he is so yes l would love to see him again in his settled home and with katie as she is a beauty.  I'm so pleased for him and fingers crossed it all works.  He was one of them special dogs that don't come along that offten and he put my two to shame.

He deserves this break


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