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Fosse Septique regulations for dog kennels and catteries

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[quote user="silverfox"]Are there any specific fosse septique regulations regarding running a commercial dog kennel and/or cattery e.g. is there a requirement  for a separate fosse septique to the domestic set up?[/quote]


The matter is rather complex and will depend on the local directives and soil analysis.

You can look here from page 23 ( although kennels are not specifically mentioned.


You would have first have to consult the local: POS ( Plan d'Occupation des Sols ) or PLU ( Plan Local d'Urbanisme ) because there are also distance questions to the next houses - You would have to clear the feasability of the project, before buying.



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Thanks for the pointers, which as you say do not specifically cover dog kennels.  The volume output and soil type are, as you point out, key - but the other factor was whether there are any restrictions because of the animal 'waste'.  Will try and discuss with the appropriate officials.

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