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Tied up dog

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I have lived here in France for over two years and during this time have regularly driven past a barn which has a sheep dog type dog tied to a chain outside it.

It has a rudimentary shelter consisting of a sheet of corrugated iron leaning up against the wall and I have no reason to think it is not being fed properly, but it must be so bored. I have never seen it off the chain no matter what time I have driven past and I feel so sorry for it. If I was in the UK I would feel confident about approaching the owners (I think I know who they are) and broaching the subject, hopefully tactfully, perhaps offering to take it for a walk a couple of times a week if they don't have time. However, as my grasp of the French language is not up to much and I could easily be seen as an interfering English person - which wouldn't help anyone - I don't know what if anything I can do.

Has anyone any experience in this area? I have done nothing for two years and am not proud of myself but for not at least trying to help. It may be that he gets taken out regularly and goes into the house at night to be with the family but I honestly don't think so as he is there in sun, rain or snow all alone on the end of a chain. 

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Round here in 49 the Chasse dogs are tied up all year but let loose during the chasse season.  They love their owners and are over the moon (hardly surprising) when the season comes round.  The reason they are kept tied up is that most of the properties are rural and don't have perimeter fences.  If the dogs were loose, they would probably run off.  It would be very unusual to see a French farmer "walking" his dogs !   The dogs could be shut up in a barn and never see the light of day.....

You don't say whether you live in an urgan or rural area.  As you say, you don't know what the owners might do with him.  Perhaps he is there as a guard to warn the owners if anyone approaches.  I would beware of trying to interfere, even with the best of intentions.  The dog may not know of any other life, but it is natural to think he must be bored to tears tied up all day.  But that is the lot of thousands of dogs in France and their owners are likely to be far from appreciative of someone questioning the way they treat their dog.  Do you feel you would have to justify the way you treat your own dog? 

I do understand how you feel.  I detest seeing dogs tied up day after day, but they are not mine.  Perhaps you could ask the owner if he wishes to sell his dog.  That way you could engage him in conversation and you might find out why the dog is tied up.  There may be a very valid reason !

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I know how you feel, because the owner of the  neighbouring farm has about 4 dogs chained up there all the time. Because of some family dispute the house is uninhabited, but he drives up 3 or 4 times a day to work on the land, when you can hear the dogs going mad with joy.

He allows me to walk through his farmyard on one of my walking routes, and that's when I've seen them.

It's very upsetting , but I'm afraid I just shut my mind to it.  He does feed them, and they have shelter.

It has been said before that french country people have a more detached attitude to dogs than us softhearted british, mostly toonies.  Pat.



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[quote user="Patf"]

It's very upsetting , but I'm afraid I just shut my mind to it.  He does feed them, and they have shelter. [/quote]

Even where we live in the suburbs the same is true. Our neighbour shelters and feeds his dog but said dog is shut in the garage whilst the couple are out at work ie from 8 til 6 every weekday. They do care for their animals ... but in a different way to us. It is hard to adjust to.


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