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EDF answers please

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Hi, I've just had my elec set up by the immobilier with EDF after signing last week, have arrived back home to find a bill for 75euro's, I did post elsewhere but had no reply, can anyone tell me what it's for. Is it just to set up, or do they require an amount in the kitty to start with. We intend to set up a DD and have a rib number, but when it's taken out of the bank, I presume you get a bill to tell you your usage, any info will be helpfull, just to get us going, similar for water, but I understand there are lots of companies, so they would have differant requirements! yes?
Thanks for any help.
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LAST EDITED ON 06-May-04 AT 12:53 PM (BST)

My guess - based on experience with others who we've helped set up accounts for electricity, water, etc - is that it's for the standing charge (abonnement) which is payable in advance. It seems a bit high, but some tariffs do have a high standing charge. There should be something at the bottom of the bill that you send off, with a RIB from your bank, to pay by the French equivalent of direct debit.

As far as water is concerned you are quite right - there are many different water suppliers whose charges, and how and when they charge, vary enormously so it's impossible to say what you will be charged for, or when.

Will (50)

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  • 2 weeks later...
Hi !

The EDF charge we got when we first arrived was the same, it consisted of an initial setup charge and then the first 3 months of standing charge in advance.

You will get a facture each quarter with all the details of the consumtion regardless of the method pf payment, so don't worry !

See you soon ...

Sara and Mike.
St. Barnabe.

>Hi, I've just had my elec
>set up by the immobilier
>with EDF after signing last
>week, have arrived back home
>to find a bill for
>75euro's, I did post elsewhere
>but had no reply, can
>anyone tell me what it's
>for. Is it just to
>set up, or do they
>require an amount in the
>kitty to start with. We
>intend to set up a
>DD and have a rib
>number, but when it's taken
>out of the bank, I
>presume you get a bill
>to tell you your usage,
>any info will be helpfull,
>just to get us going,
>similar for water, but I
>understand there are lots of
>companies, so they would have
>differant requirements! yes?
>Thanks for any help.

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