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Desperate plea for help

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This is from our area & I wondered if anyone on this forum could perhaps help?

My friend is returning to the UK on Saturday as a

matter of urgency. She managed to re-home one of her dogs earlier this

week but still has one that needs a new home. I will be taking care of

her from Saturday but cannot keep her for more than a few days.

She is a white and tan 3 year old terrier cross neutered bitch microchip no 250269400004033.

She has a sweet nature, loves children and other dogs but is not great

around cats and chickens (hence the reason i can't keep her!) She would

make an ideal family pet or companion for a retired couple.

I live close to Confolens, please call me on 06 50 26 79 70

for more info. I'm hoping somebody will know somebody who'd be

interested in this cute little dog as I really don't want to have to

take her to a rescue kennels... Please help!

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As always, and I know some people can be annoyed by that , but I think you d have more chances to rehome this poor little dog if you posted a photo on here. If you don't know how to do it, PM one to me , or e mail it , and I ll do it for you.

Good luck! 

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Given the extaordinary number of dogs needing new homes due to owners returning to the UK perhaps the wording of "A dog is for life, not just for Christmas" should be changed to


That said, there are always situations where re-homing is necessary for really genuine reasons. My comment is not aimed at those people.


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[quote user="Bugbear"]Given the extaordinary number of dogs needing new homes due to owners returning to the UK perhaps the wording of "A dog is for life, not just for Christmas" should be changed to


That said, there are always situations where re-homing is necessary for really genuine reasons. My comment is not aimed at those people.


Do I go home today

My family brought me home, cradled in their arms

The cuddled me and smiled at me, said I was full of charm

They played with me and laughed with me and showered me with toys

I sure do love my family - especially the girls and boys

The children loved to feed me - they gave me special treats

They even let me sleep with them - all snuggled in the sheets

I used to go for lots of walks - often several times a day

They even fought to hold the leash - Im very proud to say

These are the things I'll not forget - a cherished memory

Because I now live in the pound -without my family

They used to laugh and praise me - when I played with that old shoe

But I didn't know the difference between the old ones and the new

The kids and I would grab a rag - for hours we would tug

So I thought I did the right thing when I chewed the bedroom rug

They said I was out of control and would have to live outside

This I did not understand although I tried and tried

The walks all stopped just one by one, they said they hadn't time

I wish I could change things, I wish I knew my crime

My life became so lonely, in the back yard on a chain

I barked and barked all day long - just to keep from going insane

So they brought me to the shelter, but were embarrased to say why

They say I caused an allergy - then they each kissed me goodbye

If I'd only had some classes - when I was just a pup

Then I would have been a better dog - when I was all grown up

'you only have one day left' I heard the worker say

Does that mean I have a second chance?


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Went to view a house in the next department.  There were two dogs there (won't say what kind for obvious reasons).

The owners were, you guess it, going back to the UK.  Said the dogs would be put down!!!!!!!

Needless to say, there was no way I was going to buy the house and, although I know a friend whom the house would suit, there was no way I was going to tell him about the house either.

I think us humans have a selfish gene somewhere in our makeup.  Something to do with Darwinian Theory and survival probably.  (BTW, David Attenborough on at the moment talking about Darwin on BBC1)

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[quote user="sweet 17"]

... there was no way I was going to tell him about the house either.


Am I missing something here; why shouldn't you tell your friend about the house? He might like it, want to buy it and he might like to take on the dogs too ... stranger things have happened.


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No, unfortunately.......It will only be a holiday home and then gites to be built.

The friend has a few problems at the moment and won't be in a position to take on the poor dogs.

I keep looking at the house on line and I must say I sort of breathe a sigh of relief everytime I see it's still for sale.

You're right, of course, one has to hope that whoever buys the house will keep the dogs.

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Don't know the real answer to that one, Christine.

The woman said the dogs were "too old" to be taken back to the UK.

I don't know what age the dogs were but they looked in good nick and did not appear to be badly treated in anyway.

Don't think they get taken for many walks though, judging by the dog poo in one part of the garden.

Don't think the owners would have said anything about the dogs if I hadn't asked.  You know how you set yourself up for these things?  You see animals in a house and the first question you ask is:  so, you're taking these back with you then?

I'm not really concerned for the humans but I can't help thinking about those dogs.

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This is what is worrying me about this situation in general, that people are having them put down.  They are often made to feel more and more guilty and ashamed and do this so that noone will know about it, rather than risk possible humiliation.  At least when they try to rehome them we have the chance to try to save the pets.  This is why I make no comments about it, the pets as you say Sweet are the most important and we can perhaps do something, but we shall never change people.

If you like you can contact me about these dogs.  I can't promise anything, but we can always try.


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