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What a rip off!

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I know a couple who are due to sign the Acte Authetique next weekend for the purchase of their French home. Because of other unavoidable commitments, only the husband is able to come across - his wife has arranged a for a letter authorising her other half to sign on her behalf, and this has to be witnessed by a notary.

I can't recall the exact details, but we did this with our first purchase in France, and we didn't use a notary public; we just got our solicitor to witness our signatures, and he didn't charge us anything.

This couple have been told that it is going to cost them 100 - just for a signature to be witnessed!!!!!!!! Surely this is an excessive charge?
Or does anyone know differently?


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I agree - a bit of a rip off.
I bought a flat in France 1 year ago but could not be there for signing of the Acte. I arranged for the Notaire (probably his clerk) to have a power of attorney to sign on my behalf. I got the documents required notarized by a local solicitor (Surrey, UK) for the grand sum of SEVEN POUNDS.
Everything went through perfectly.
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