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EDF - Help!

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Last week we got our first EDF bill, for 42.48 euros (sent May 10, arrived here May 20, to be paid by May 25...) today, we got a new one, for 195.16 euros, with apologies for the last one being wrong!
However, they still want this payment by May 27! This one is described as 'regularisation de votre consommation suite a votre mise en service tardive.' I understand what this means in a literal sense, but...

We can't work this one out, as in the period in question we spent only 18 days in the house...we took possession on Feb 23rd & the billing period is 2 months, to April 27th. There is no mention of future charges, standing charges or anything like that. The bill breakdown lists 'electricite' as 120.79 plus taxes etc = 152.68, and that is then added to the previous bill to make up the 195.16.

We'd be most grateful if anyone can throw any light on this one!
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Did you read your own meter - to enable you to check your bills?

It is always worth it gives you an arguing point when EDF get it wrong. Their computer seems to estimate bills from previous usage, how much did the previous tenant use?

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Did you leave something like an electric waterheater switched on? We found our first bill was horrendous because this had been switched on when the electrics in the house were modernised for us and was working at top temps all the clock round instead of only on cheaper night rate.
Always worth keeping track of your own meter readings if you think the bill is wrong. But even now, we find the electricity bill is the one shocking expense that we hadn't expected to be so high.
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