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Christine Animal re: Max....ex Bounty

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Hi Christine

I keep saying I must let you know how Max....ex Bounty.....is getting on, well I have found my roundtoit  :).......He is doing great, walks to heel though still full of energy, he is such a kind and gentle dog and we love him to bits. When I find how to post pic's here I will.

Stephen et famille

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I never knew you were the Fridgeman, you sneaky devil!   [:D]  Thank you for the news, I often think of you and ex Bounty.  Congratulations on doing so well with him, he has a wonderful home (don't quite get the roundtoit bit).


Yes, would love a photo, please.   How to post a photo   http://www.completefrance.com/cs/forums/819635/ShowPost.aspx


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  • 10 months later...
Hi Christine

Well at long last (have not been too good) I hope a photo of Max

If it works, I will post more, this is an early one.


The fridgeman


edit: well that don't seem to work, it does in "Preview"
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Well fancy that, after all this time, what a surprise!  Thank you Mr. Fridgeman.   [:)]   Thank you for your help Sue.

Before the http you need [IMG] and after jpg [/IMG].

But, if you have the photo in Photobucket, right click on it, then "copy", then "paste" (Ctrl V) on here.  Should work.

Have you any more recent ones, that one is from 1973!   [:D]


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Hi Christine

Trying again.........


EDIT: Still will not work, why it's OK in preview is confusing, I have contacted photo-bucket and will await their reply unless someone on here knows the answer
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Thank you Christine, that is what I have done, the code should end : [IMG] ,which is what I copy but when I paste it on to the page it changes, If I go to to edit then preview, the picture comes up, if I then post it instead of the picture the wrong code comes up and no picture.......Ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!

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[quote user="Fridgeman"]

[IMG]http://i973.photobucket.com/albums/ae215/fridgedoc/Max/Maxthedog.jpg[/IMG] [/quote]

No ball and chain needed; you just forgot to put the end brackets [ and ] round the [IMG] at the beginning and

[/ IMG] at the end.


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 The ball and chain icon is 2nd on the right just above where you post (write) your message. In photobucket there is a choice of options to allow sharing in different media: blogs, facebook, forums - you need the one for 'forums and message boards'. Dick Smith hasn't posted here for a while, but I believe he had a Mac, do you have a Mac too?
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Hi Sue

Thanks for your message, sorry Sue but I had no need to do as you said as I "copied & pasted" so I had no need to do anything, I have contacted phtp bucket nd they have asked me to do a few things which I am about to do, will let you know what the outcome is

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