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Anyone for a little Jazz (Bichon cross) Poitou-Charentes

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Little Bichon cross Jazz was lost and distraught

in a pound

free !


Feeling better, someone cares about me.

Even feeling happy now

and ready for a new home.

A lovely friendly personality, Jazz is fine with other dogs.  The vet thinks he is two years old and he is now neutered, chipped and fully vaccinated (primo plus booster and rabies) and has a European passport (not for the UK).

Adoption fee 140 euros.


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OK Christine - these people are in your area (I put them in touch with you once before?  Peter?) and they would be very interested if he's good with cats.  However if you have already got someone for him that's good and I will keep trying!  Anything similar to this little chap is what they are after with the cat proviso.

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I spoke to them this evening.  I'm taking Jazz to the other people on Friday.  They have already had a little dog through us and we know them quite well now, not far from here either.  If they take him, he will have a very good home and I'm looking out for something else for Peter.

Thanks again Merlin.


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Jazz the day he arrived


Jazz one month later!



An update.  On Friday I took Jazz and the little Caniche who had been found to the people already mentioned.


They loved them both, but it was their little dog who chose the Caniche, now Ted, and didn't want anything to do with Jazz.  So Ted was neutered and everything on Saturday and will be going to them as soon as he has his stitches out.

Meanwhile, I had a call from a retired Scottish couple wanting to adopt a small dog and they had seen Jazz.  I took him there yesterday evening.


He had become such a loving, joyful little chap that I was quite sad to leave him, but he will be loved and happy and I am now getting two more out of that pound where he came from!


Merlin, I sent Peter a link to a little dog on the Refuge Fontorbe site, but he has informed me that they have now adopted a very similar one from Saintes SPA.  So that's another with a wonderful home.   [:)]


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Christine - firstly I'm thrilled about these two little dears finding such lovely homes - well done!  Secondly I'm afraid there could be a hitch with the little dog that Peter took fromSaintes Spa!  They called me this morning to tell me that he has started to snap at them.  I was at pains to tell them to hang in there as it's early days and sounds like he's had a rough ride.  I later spoke to Peter's wife who told me she thinks the dog's not well and they are taking him to the vet this afternoon.  I makes my insides squirm to think they might take him back to the Spa because in all other ways he's first rate - good with the cats and hens, clean in the house, good in the car, follows them around............ but he's not eating much and is very thin and it sounds to me as though he's a bit tender to the touch which is why he's on his guard and nipping.  I will keep you in the loop and hope to goodness it all comes right for them.  They are a bit wary of him now and need to try to begin the bonding process again.......

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Well a little update.  Peter and his wife went back to the Spa yesterday (left the dog in the car so as not to scare him) and tackled the veterinary nurse there about him as he also has a bad limp.  It turns out that the poor little mite arrived with such matted fur that they had to muzzle him and set about him with the clippers and he cried and screamed all through it!  Also he has a busted knee joint from anold injury which means he has a bit of arthritis possible and oftten carries the back leg off the ground.  The former explains why he snapped when Peter tried to groom his still somewhat tangled hair that is now coming out in clumps (they made a terrible hash of clipping it seems) and also why he is generally a bit grumpy as he's sore!  Happily, when I spoke to Peter last night, he and his wife are now much more relaxed about the dog because they now understand better why he's a little nervous of them and they are going to take things easy and gently with him because he's so good in every other way.  Phew!  I am so very glad.  Just shows you have to make so many allowances for these little creatures and I am so glad they went back to the Spa to have a strong word with the staff there, which I think they were quite right to do - maybe they will be more diligent about explaining the background in future and save other dogs being taken back unnecessarily when a bit of understanding and patience is all that is needed.  Some humans make me seethe!

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As a PS to the above - Peter also told me that the vet nurse at the SPA told him to roll up a magazine and smack the dog if it snapped at him again!  Peter was rightly appalled and walked out at that point!  A tiny wee thing like that........ swipe him with a magazine in his state?   A gentle tap on the nose with a quick 'no' might be kinder and is all that I have ever needed to do with an initially errant little rescue.

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Hello Christine and Merlin

Just had time to read through this thread - well done!  So happy to read that Remus is settling after such a traumatic start!  Poor little lad - he must have been so uncomfortable - no wonder he was snappy!  I can't believe someone suggested hitting him like that!! 


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Béthune, that's where little Jazz came from.  One of the most frightening experiences for a family pet to find himself there, no wonder they are sometimes a little traumatised and on the defensive when they get out!  But as you can see by Jazz, with a little love and confidence they can soon get over it.

I was told these pounds in the north often have to go and pick up animals at the ferry ports dumped by Brits!

This is a bad time of year, overflowing everywhere in these places and some of the rescuers are on holiday.  Others are doing their maximum to save them before they are put down.

Vidéo Béthune


If you would like to rehome one, just let me know!  There is absolutely everything there, all breeds, shapes and sizes.


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Christine - I have someone looking to adopt either a Pug or a French Bullterrier - also someone looking for a Whippet or Whippet X (small more whippet than other) and also a Border Collie Cross Tri colour with different colour eyes.   All youngsters would be good.

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After having a quick look, not particulary Béthune, but needing a home (I suppose you mean French Bulldog).  I'll let you read it all, the photos are lovely.  I know Elisabeth at the end of the thread, she helped me with the covoiturage for Jazz.  It looks as if he lost an eye through the thread ?


Can't see any Whippets nor Border with different coloured eyes.


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Sorry Louis, but I don't know what I said that was harsh.  If being rushed off your feet and not having enough time for everything is harsh, then I'm sorry.

What do you mean you couldn't find him on the link, the link is a thread about him?

His is in Sierck-les-Bains en Moselle (57).


Thank you for the photo Gay.


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 I suspect that Christine learnt a long time ago that investing an hour or so on computer skills can pay real dividends when it comes to trying to home dogs through forums:  I know it sounds harsh but there may come the day when Christine and I (or other helpers) are  absent for what ever reason.....and I'm pretty sure I wrote out instructions not long ago.

I know Merlin goes the extra mile and I really appreciate all she does (although I think I personally may draw the line with people who are specifically looking for a certain cross with odd coloured eyes [Www] ) but honestly  it would be worth it and frankly my computer skils are not that terrific, if I can do something computerwise I'm pretty sure most of you can too, probably better !

Anyway, Bon Chance to this particular cutie......I hope Merlins contacts love him [:D]

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