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How do you Prep your home?


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We had someone checking the house (not cleaning) and doing the garden until for reasons I will not disclose that ended.

We decided not to find someone else and invested in a ride on mower. We only have .5 acre and sometimes we arrive and the grass is very tall but 1.25 hours with the ride on and it is OK with a highish cut and then a lower cut a day or so later.

The house is cleaned before we leave and everything covered with dust sheets and on arrival jst need to remove the sheets and possibly a vacuum and it is systems go.

And Sweets how thoughtless of you not to fill the ice cubes - you could have also left some ex-lax chocolates on the pillow for them.


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[quote user="Duncan"]Does that seem about right?  Any other options?


Before we had a proper garden (and I'm not entirely sure we do even now because my bramble crop is once again just a bit too extravagant) our neighbour used to graze her sheep on the grass and that was a nice and effective way of keeping the grass short. Occasionally they let the first flush of grass grow and they made a few bales of hay from the cutting mid-May.

A friend in a nearby village has a neighbour who grazes a few cows for a few weeks in spring on the land surrounding their house - in fact, their guard cows are in there now. [:D] Downside are a few cowpats, I suppose, but the grass is kept at a manageable height.

[quote user="Cendrillon"]Ditto, opening is not the problem and takes no

time, leaving and closing the house is much more time consuming


I agree totally.

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