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Albador (one-eyed spaniel at Carcassonne) is still alive

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Now that's something I didn't know Christine!  I have had a few run-ins with AI about not being able to put a chip number or tattoo because basically the dogs don't have one in most of the refuges and the powers that be at AI wouldn't budge to help saying it was the law and so forth.  They never mentioned that you could put the siret number of the refuge instead!  That puts a whole new slant on it - thanks!

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I think Merlin is far more adept at all this stuff than me (she can even post photos on this forum, although I still blame my Mac), so if you are REALLY sure, Merlin, then I will start getting some details to you.

Sounds like that guy you mentioned could be a good source of publicity. People have also mentioned the Aude and Ariege Flyer to me....

Thanks for your support, guys. My husband is fed up with me crying on him. I hardly talk "dogs" to him anymore. Sad.....
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I'm sure.  I can't take any more dogs on as I really think I would test my OH too much and in any case the house is just not big enough!  So I want to make time to help in other ways and a few hours on the PC is a small pull on my day if it can help at all.  My dream is to be able to build some super comfortable kennels next year perhaps (when the house is finished) and have some no-hopers in danger to keep safe and foster till people can help me find homes - it's so often just a question of the time that makes the difference in being able to get them out before the hammer falls...... as we know only too well eh Rowan!

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Not sure I'd be any good as a blogger Russethouse - I suffer from verbal diahrrea (never can spell this word!) at the best of times and would make a total hash of it but someone else might be much more usefully employed at it for sure - anything that brings people into the rescue arena is worthwhile doing and I'm sure there would be no shortage of content that we could help suppy!

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Yes, a good site can make all the difference!  We are still waiting to get one up and running for the Refuge Canin Lotois, don't ask me why we have not got one so far - so complicated it seems!  I am not a party to setting it up, but I keep stressing how important it is to do so.  The best we have so far is some photos on Photobucket:

http://s760.photobucket.com/albums/xx241/FRANCOISE46/PHOTOS REFUGE CANIN CAHORS  TEL 0565226632/

In the meantime - I heard about this site yesterday - moonfruit.com - where it is apparently possible to set up a simple free web site (including a blog) - have not had time to investigate yet, but might be a possibility.

Merlin, can you let me know the details of the nice man who has a space on his site for rescue dogs in the Midi Pyrenees as and when it is available??  We might be able to make use of it?


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I am not technical in the least but when I have time between my work, I would be very happy to post details on the forums. I would be honoured to be Rowan's assistant. As I said I'm not technical but I can manage a photobucket link. [:)]
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