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Anyone called Barton reading this...

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A little old dog was found wandering the streets of Toulouse back in July.  She was found to have a microchip in the name of Barton from Bristol.  Nobody has claimed her and there a big search going on thanks to a lady on AngloInfo (also called Barton whom the dog was thought to belong to) to try to find her owners.  You can read about it on a little webpage that has been set up for her and there is a picture on here :- http://ineedahome.yolasite.com/poppy.php.  If anyone reading this can help please get in touch soon as the poor little mite is suffering and also because she is old and the SPA at Toulouse is huge and overflowing....... well need I say more?  Thanks.

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Hope fading for this little lady - she's old and must so terribly confused and scared in Toulouse SPA, it's huge and very frightening.  A closer picture of her shows she has cateracts and so I'm guessing she's quite elderly and she won't last long in there as they, like all the others, are full to busting!  She's tiny and won't take up much space!  We must try to help her - she's English too and must be feeling very lonely!

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There are only three Bartons listed in the BT phone book (on-line) for Stapleton, Bristol. Has anyone tried to ring them?

Edit: Well, thought I might as well try myself! The first 2 numbers were no reply and the third hadn't lost a dog. Probably not the best time of day to ring.
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Oh no, what a sorry tale - I do hope someone can be found to help her!  You might have already done so Merlin - but what about posting her on RESCUE under one of their extremely urgent headings??

I suspect (hope to be proved wrong) that the chances of finding the original owners are slim!  Sounds like an abandon!  Best chance is to concentrate on finding a new home asap here! 


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Hey thanks for that Rob Roy - and yes the local papers in Bristol have been contacted as have the vets in the area and the local radio station!  People have certainly rallied round this little lady!  However, I am inclined to agree with Jouals - I think she has been abandoned because she was found in July and no one has come forward to look for her..........  If someone lost her whilst on holiday then surely the first place they would try would be the local refuge before leaving?  I am wondering if her passport was maybe not in order and she's just been left to raom the streets but I find it hard to believe anyone could be so heartless to this little old thing.  I am begging some kind person to get her out of there and then I PROMISE I will find her a home if it's the last thing I do so whoever looks after her need not worry they will have to keep her.

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I have read this story in Angloinfo for the Toulouse area and is there anything I can do from the UK? Unfortunately I'm not in the Bristol area but I have a phone!!!!!!

Has anyone thought of contacting Brittany Ferries? Maybe their Travel Club?

No-one COULD have abandoned this old wee dog, SURELY????
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It had occured to me too that the poor little thing has been dumped. [:@]

The lady who did answer the phone today said something I thought rather odd - this was how the conversation went:

"I'm sorry to bother you but I wondered if you have lost a dog"

"A what?"

"A dog - have you lost one?"


"In France"

"No, I haven't, we don't have a dog"

Now why would you ask "Where?" if you don't have a dog in the first place?[8-)]

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Think all that can be done has been done now and a foster home is being sought till a new home can be found for Poppy!  Here is the latest from AI forum:-

Just to keep people up to speed.....

The Bristol Evening Post are very keen to run a story about Poppy,

so we are supplying them with a photo and information and hopefully that

will be published this week.

Radio Bristol are going to give us some airtime to tell Poppy's story.

The kind people from DogLost in the UK http://www.doglost.co.uk/dog_blog.php?dogId=25088

Poppy's details and have begun looking for her owner. They're even

going to knock on doors in the Park Roads of Bristol, the address we

have for Poppy to see if anyone knows anything about her.


also believe that the Barton we're trying to trace was once a student

at UWE, Bristol, so we have contacted their Alumni office. Although

they can't confirm anything (data protection!) they have promised to

email the person, if they have their details, with details of Poppy.

I think we can honestly say that if we don't find her owner after this, then they don't want to be found!

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They have been in touch with the vet who did the chip but he hasn't seen the dog since 2002!  The chip hasn't been updated as the old address is wrong now.  Not a lot of point in chipping a dog and then not bothering to keep the information current!  She's so so sweet I can't believe anyone could be so callous as to just dump her on the streets!

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Wow!  She's quite the celebrity now bless her.  I read on AI that someone is going to foster her till either the owners are traced or she finds a good home.  Must say I would love her and I keep putting her picture on the screen for huggy to see...... he's not taking the bait at all..... shame that.

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Fingers crossed for Poppy - quite a 'star' by now.

Well done everyone involved.

And for those who 'dislike' the Daily Mail - THEY were the first national paper to run with the story - well done them - it's called the Power of the Press - and fantastic of that newspaper to give more publicity.

Isn't it amazing what can happen when a snowball gets rolling.

To be continued....- as in Happy Ever After !!!


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