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Termites were found recently in the property next door to us which is being sold. They were found in two old tree trunks in the front garden. The vendors have been over to burn these trunks although we are not convinced this is enough to eradicate the problem. Has anybody any experience with these awful creatures and could let us know what the likelihood of them spreading towards us is?

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You don't say where you are in France. If I remember correctly Termites have to be reported to the local Mairie and even possibly the gendarmerie as they have to be kept and eye on and the goverment are keen to follow their progress across the country. Obviously if you are in a termite region which is mainly from the south east of Brittany downwards then the vendors/buyers would have to have had a termite search done wouldn't they, but then who would go and check the tree stumps in the garden at the same time. This is quite worrying for you and your property as they may already be in some of the land. Get advice from the local mairie as to a local firm who deals with the eradication of these pests and let them guide you.
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No personal experience fortunately but if you trawl the archives I am sure you will find some horror stories.

Termites are very bad news and AFAIK their presence must be reported to the maire immediately. It is highly unlikely that they confine their munchimg to a couple of dead trees so in yr circs I would arrange an inspection pdq.

BTW in our area a vendor must supply an up to date termite inspection cert to a buyer at the time of the acte de vente but not necessarily to his neighbour.

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