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Beautiful Belle.

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I adopted abeautiful female dog from the SPA at Carcassonne but unfortuantely my existing male has become very jealous of her and although he hasn't attacked her is not at all happy in the house with her around. Outside he just keeps away from her but is obviously completely 'pushed out' by her arrival. I don't want either of them to suffer this so am wondering if anyone at all could offer her a loveing home?

She is 5 years old, the most affectionate and loving dog you could ever hope to meet who would make the most wonderful companion. My French neighbour said she was a 'hunt dog' I would say a Breton spaniel cross griffon?She is about knee height, white with brown markings and gorgeous.

I don't have pictures at the moment - idon't know how to load them on the site but if anyone wants any they can pm me and I willsend photos by email.

I am going to have to take Belle back to the SPA if I can't find anuyone to give her the love she deserves and which I was hoping I could give her here.

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I can only emphasise what Debs has said. Belle is the most affectionate, loving, well behaved dog I have met. I have been lucky enough to walk her a few times at the SPA and she is perfect on the lead.She is fine with cats, children and other dogs. She will make a perfect companion for someone, who likes a smaller gentle type dog. Please help us save her from going back to the SPA......
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Belle went to a new home yesterday which is wonderful news. She was delighted to be there and will hopefully have a long and very happy life with her new family.

A huge Thank You to BJC who worked so hard to try and find her a new home and to Rowan who found the family to take her, also to Merlin for all her support. The other people who offered help have all been really kind too.

You are all brilliant.
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I know this family and have no doubts that Belle will be much loved and have all the other rescues for company and playtimes with these lovely people.  She deserves to have a secure and happy life at last poor little girl.  More happy endings please!  It's getting to that dreadful time of year when dogs are thrown out to face the hardship of winter alone and scared.  The season of goodwill and all that.........hmmmm.  I hope there are people out there who will open their hearts and homes to a poor lost waife who needs them so much - please??

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