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Scruffy and son Alex

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This is a very traumatic story and these two little dogs need a new home fast or a foster home in the interim.  They are in a very sad and stressed household and are not coping very well not. Scruffy was rescued a couple of years ago and produced six puppies - Alex her boy was kept by the family who adopted her and they found homes for all the others.  Their owner is a caring but very distressed gentleman who is undergoing some terrible traumas at the moment and trying to keep his family together (three children under 15 - one of whom is severely handicapped).  His wife is a violent alcoholic.  He is having to sell his house and has already managed to home his three donkeys, four cats and herd of sheep  The children are heartbroken to lose their dogs but understand the pressures and he is keeping a very old Briard and a very young Doberman - both of whom would be difficult to rehome.  The two little terrier Xs will have to find new homes and they are becoming very stressed as the household situation deteriorates and they are sensing the chaos.  Their owner is desperate not to put them into the Spa and will travel anywhere to take them to a loving home - they are in the Gers near Auch.  If anyone feels they can help, you can email me for more details - here are some pictures taken yesterday......... my heart is hurting for them all.



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These two have till the 18th of this month and then they are being taken to the Spa!  A friend visited them today and tells me they are very affectionate!  It would be very harsh on them to find themselves in a refuge after two years in a good home but the owner now has no choice he says....... so sad!

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I think we might have these two sorted!  Should know outcome of various plots by the end of this week and hopefully they will be on their way to new homes - fingers crossed and I will post the much hoped for happy ending as soon as I am sure!  Not going to count any chickens till it's done!

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Scruffy and Alex were taken the long journey to their foster mum yesterday!  There they will stay till the end of the month when their new family will collect them when they get back from the UK.  So many thanks go to neighbour Charlotte who liaised with the owner, David who did the long journey to get them and deliver them safely to Katrina who is fostering them.  It can't be done without good people like these!

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