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There is a good link on the Useful Posts forum which gives the http:///www.taxe.com website which allows you to look up the amount of tax for each town/hamlet. As I am expecting our first Taxe d'habitation bill this year I thought I would take a look.

However, I am now a little confused. For example, for the hamlet I live in (Sompt) it quotes the following taxes:

Taux communal - 15,41%
Taux intercommunal - 2,06%
Taux dpartmental - 7,11%
Making a grand total of 24,58%

Can anyone explain what these actually mean. I know it means that the total is 24,58%, but 24,58% of what?

Thank you!!

Deux-Sevres (region 79)
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Its similar to the old Rateable Value system in the UK.

Every property and piece of land has a Valeur Locative, which is a theoretical rental value based on the size,quality, and condition of the property.

This value is assessed whenever there is a major change notified (IE work requiring a Permis or Declaration). It is also increased by an inflation percentage each year.

The tax percentages you quote , and a few more on top, are applied to this Valuer Locative to work out the Taxes Habitation and Foncieres.

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