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The Oldies urgently need help SPA Poitiers

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You know how concerned I am about the oldies.  If only everyone would give one a chance, along with the companion they may already have.

Once again some lovely oldies are in a critical and very urgent situation at the Poitiers refuge which is full and they have to go as their kennels are needed.

Very important point:  They all come with a veterinary coverage up to 600 euros offered by 30 Million d'Amis.  This is to help and incite people to offer a home to an older dog.

Opération Doyens

Please consider helping one of them by offering a loving home and saving a life.  They need and deserve it so much.


MISTER (10-682F)

x berger de 10 ans sociable - un peu d'arthrose

CANTO ( 10-155R)

x labrit - 12 ans - sociable mais pas de chats - arthrose

BANJO (10-569F)

griffon/labrador - 14 ans

- plusieurs femelles adorables ayant malheureusement des tumeurs mammaires et dont l'avenir est particulièrement menacé en cette période où nous n'avons plus du tout de place disponible :

DIDOU (10-156R)

x berger picard - abandonnée suite au décès de son maître - sociable

GOELLE (10-303F)

x berger - 10 ans - très sociable avec tous

N'oubliez pas non plus nos grands bergers


Dogs are so intelligent and understand so much, even more so after sharing and participating in family life for many years.  How they must feel and what they must suffer to end up like this.  We owe it to them to offer them something better.


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