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Four cats in desperate need of new homes

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Here's hoping that some kind members here will be able to help my friends out with what is a very sad situation, made worse by the fact that their beloved cats have to find new homes.  I realise that there are many calls on here for people to give homes to animals and that there isn't a bottomless pit of good places around but please try to help if you can and ask around your friends and neighbours.


Owing to the serious health problems an elderly ex-pat couple in N. Sarthe (72600) are reluctantly and urgently seeking good homes for their cats all of whom were strays:  


Duchesse and Diablo are three-year old identical twins almost all white with just a tinge of grey on their ears.  They are beautiful to look at, very loveable and affectionate. They were rescued when they were only three weeks old but have more than made up for all the work involved with them initially . They love to play with each other and with their toys, especially in the garden in the summer.  They are totally “House-trained “ and have been sterilised, vaccinated and  micro-chipped.


Tinkle is a 15 years old female who made her home with us a few weeks after we moved here in August 2006.  As she is so old, she spends most of her time sleeping.  She is particularly vulnerable because of her age and that is why I am hoping to find someone with enough love in their hearts to take on an old cat who may not have too may years of life left.  She just needs somewhere warm and safe to sleep where she will be free of harassment from other cats and can also eat her food in peace.  She is fully house trained and uses a litter tray in the winter but goes outdoors in the summer, She has also been sterilised, vaccinated and micro-chipped.


Angel was a stray, estimated to be 5-6 years old.  She prefers to find her own bed outside, coming to the house regularly for food. But that may because she is afraid of the other cats here.  We think she may have been badly treated at one time because she is so very timid.  She is very pretty with greyish/brown stripesShe has been sterilised, vaccinated and micro-chipped





Please PM me if you think you can help or know of anybody who might and I will put you in touch.  I am willing to help out with transport if there is anybody a way away who could help but feels the distance prevents them from doing so.

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I'm just bumping this thread up again because it is a critical situation so please ask around and e-mail anybody you can think of who might want one, two, three or even all four of these cats.  If I didn't already have four I'd take one myself.

As I say, don't worry too much about the location as I'm happy to help bring them to you/meet half way or whatever.

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Thanks Jo.  You'd think that cats would be relatively easy to re-home but I guess there are just too many of them about and everybody wants kittens.

Suffice it to say that if there is some kind person out there who could have one of them, it would help to make a very sad situation a little better.  The person concerned would far rather keep them but it really is not possible.

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Nubey, I could just hug you!  I will pm you with my friend's details and you can talk to her (I'll explain a little more off forum).  I'm going to England next Tuesday but if you both agree then I will deliver them after I've got back (1st March.)  When I explain the situation, then you will realise how important this is.[kiss][kiss][kiss]
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Barring last minute hiccups of course and thanks to Nubey and a kind person locally, the cats are now set for a long and happy future.  This is such a relief for their owner in what are very unhappy circumstances which would have been made worse if she had had to worry about her cats' futures.

The forum comes up trumps again.  Thanks to those who offered their moral support also.[kiss]

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  • 4 weeks later...
We delivered Angel, Diablo and Duchesse to their new home (well, chateau!) this morning.  Thanks so much to NuBeginnings for giving them a er... new beginning.  It has made a sad situation far easier, as my friend now knows her cats have a good future.  Tinkle has found a home nearby and is already ruling the place.  A great result all around for the forum, as per.[:)]
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