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Lost Dog

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Looking for some suggestions/advice.

We live close to Le Chalard (87500) and yesterday when taking our dog for a walk across fields/woods we 'found' a very timid young dog. Didn't get a good look as it ran away. Of course we thought it was probably just on a frolic, even though the nearest houses are about a km away.

Today, we went back to the same area (taking some dog food just in case) and there it was again, in more or less the same place. Still couldn't get close to it, although had a slightly better look at it and can't see a collar (although as it's constantly running away, hard to be sure!).

Left the food in the general area where we have seen it and will go and have a look tomorrow morning, but feel really guilty about it and have no idea what to do.

I could go knocking on doors but that would entail a circular route of around 6 km to cover all the houses on the outskirts of this area and it just feels like a waste of time.

Any thoughts anyone ?

Really worried about the poor thing, it seems very young, and relatively healthy but so timid.

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Can you manage to get a photo of it?  You could then put the photo up in local vet, tabac etc etc.  Always good to try flashing photo at the local dustbin collectors as they go everywhere and tend to know everyone - we rehomed a little dog we found that way, and I would never have dreamed it could have come so far.  Otherwise, the food may do the trick in the end and give it the confidence to come near you.

Good luck

Chrissie (81)

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Hi - thanks - I am going tomorrow morning and will take camera.

OH has just dragged himself down there (again) and is moaning like crazy because food has not been eaten so far.

He (could be a she for all I know) is a really cute looking dog - it's got the ears and eyes of a true basset, and the colouring, but is obviously a cross with something.

Thanks for suggestion - will have a go tomorrow if he/she is still there. The problem is that we really don't want another dog and I am afraid that if we do end up 'catching it' (for want of a better phrase) it will stay.....
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Quick update in case anyone is worrying about the poor dog.

Went to see a neighbour who I suspected would know chasse people and she has called the local chasse. Anyway since no dogs were missing from local chasse they called the next village chasse and yes there is a dog of that description missing and they are going to go and look for him. Hopefully they will find him (unless he is enjoying his top quality dog food a bit tooo much - because he is polishing it off now!).

Anyway they will let me know if he is found.

Moral of story - contact the local chasse first (wish I had thought of it earlier !).
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