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Fosse Septic

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LAST EDITED ON 14-Jun-04 AT 11:01 AM (BST)

Hello All,

Not sure if this would be better under DIY, however I thought that a better response would come from here.
I have read that there are new rules relating to fosse septics and drainage coming in Jan next year. Apparently there are horror stories where people have purchased a house that will require a new fosse and do not have the land for it, thereby making the house uninhabitable. (It was suggested that the vendors would have been aware of this).

Can't seem to find much on here re this particular problem, does anyone have any knowledge/info?

I understand that inspections are already taking place, and that owners will have to pay to upgrade?


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>I understand that inspections are already
>taking place, and that owners
>will have to pay to
If you do have to upgrade after inspection check with your mairie - friends (in 16) got a grant.

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