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Found 5 kittens.

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We've (rather my dog) has found 5 kittens in a hedge in the garden.  We've seen the mother quite a bit and heard the kittens but this time is the first we've seen them.  Normally we'd just leave them but the mother is dead close to them.  What to do!!!

The local farmer said leave them and they'll just die - so what!!.  I've called the vet - not much use.  So I'm in a dilemma.

We'll bury the dead cat but what to do with the kittens.  I think they are about 4 weeks old because their eyes are open and they are quite big.

As an animal lover I just can't leave them - if I start to feed them, they'll attach themselves to us which isn't fair because we're not here all the time & there is no way I could take them all back to the UK.  OH doesn't like cats.

So - any one know of a cat rescue place near to La Charte in 36?



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Still around this morning - what do you suggest I try and feed them, that is, if I can entice them out of the hole they are in. My dog keeps going to see if they are there - she really is a worrier.


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