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Urgent Advice re Maltreated Chiens de Chasse

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Can someone tell me what powers the SPA have when they're notified of animals being left without food and water?  Since the owner has been contacted, he has moved the dogs nearer his home (perhaps where they can't be seen by 'prying' eyes) Does the SPA have the right to go and check how the dogs are?  Should the local garde de chasse have been informed?

The oldest dog was in such a pitiable state and I find it so hard to put him out of my mind.  Is it ever possible for hunting dogs to become pets?  If I was able to adopt him, would my cats be in danger?  He may even be in such a bad state that a vet would say putting him down was the kindest option.  I've tried to identify what sort of hunting dog he is but can't find a photo.   These are tall mostly brown dogs with long floppy ears.

Please advise me how to help them.

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It looks as if something has already been mentioned to the owner if he has moved the dogs.  As you know, there is no SPA shelter in the Deux-Sèvres (assuming that's where the dogs are), but there is now an SPA "délégation" here and they can be informed. 



If dogs do not have the necessary shelter, water and food, the DDSV (section protection animale) can also be informed:



Are they in north or south Deux-Sèvres?


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Thanks for your response.

I thought there was a Niort SPA.  If not, is that why the proposed DS trappage scheme has been abandoned?  Some friends and I had volunteered for that but have heard nothing.

There's a 'server not found' message for the first link you gave.  I've emailed the second link.

The dogs are  in 79420, probably defined as north DS. 

Do you have any advice about the possibility of a hunting dog becoming a pet?  Thank you.

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