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What to do .....

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When we first arrived in France, we were "adopted" by a stray/feral cat who came and went and did her own thing.  During the harsher winters we would put food out for her and she became more and more friendly, gave us a litter of three lovely kittens (sadly only one left - boy cat went his own way and one girl cat got knocked down by a car last July). 

Anyway, mother cat became very ill earlier this year, and was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism and a dicky ticker.   As she came to us, we had no idea how old she was, but after a thorough examination by the vet, he reckoned approximately 14 or 15 years old.

So, along with the hyperthyroidism which has seen her lose so much weight, she is skeletal, poor heart, arthritic legs, not quite incontinent, but will sit in the litter tray and do her business on the wrong side of the tray, cancer on her ears and she is now completely deaf and her balance is not very good, and the fact that she now has to have tablets twice a day and a person risks life and limb trying to give them to her - is it more humane to carry on giving her the tablets she so obviously doesn't want and try and keep her going, or have her put to sleep?

It is such a hard decision to make as she has been part of our family for 8 years now, but she can no longer hunt for herself and is totally dependent upon us.  We love her to bits, but I just don't know whether we are being kind keeping her going or whether it is right to have her put to sleep..

Your views would be most welcome.



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It is a difficult decision, but one that needs to be made.  We are in the middle of moving house and before the sale completes on the old house, our buyer wants work done, so I've moved into the new one with two of the cats to settle them in before our visitors arrive, and the OH is still working on the old house and has Missy (the poorly cat) with him as only he has the knack of giving her the pills.

We had a long chat today and we have decided that it would be better if she was put to sleep as she gets herself stressed on the 10 minute car journey to the vets let alone a 30km trip.  I don't think her heart would take it.

Two of our cats have disappeared and there is always that feeling of loss when you just don't know what has happened to them, then another got hit by a car last year (thankfully not squished), but she died by the roadside.  At least we knew what happened to her and had the opportunity to bury her with her favourite blanket in the woods behind our house and a plant to mark her grave.  Then with Missy - at least again, we will know what has happened to her and that the life we gave her while she was with us was a good and loving one.

I have many photos and many happy memories, but I do think it will be best for her to put her out of her obvious pain and discomfort.

Thank you all for your help and thoughts on this matter.

Jan xxx [:(]

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Can you not find a vet that is closer? Especially if the poor animal gets stressed. I think that you are doing the right thing, the kindest thing.


You haven't handed your house over to your buyers have you, moved out? I only ask as unfortunately my hard of hearing husband was going to let our buyers do just that as he hadn't quite caught what the bloody cheeky notaires office was saying on the phone. It wasn't until weeks later, that I realised what was happening and put a stop to it. We ended up losing about 1000€ too, long story. However, if some one wants a property and needs work doing, then they should wait until they have paid for it. And if they really need to live somewhere else, let them pay rent or get a bridging loan.

And it is OK saying that it'll be OK and that the people'll sign up and pay etc. What if there is an accident or serious illness or death? Friends were buying a house when the owner died. Other friends were buying when the owner ended up in a very serious accident with brain injuries, and the purchase took a very long time to sort out. Could just as easily have been the other way round in both cases.....And other friends wanted work doing and got a bridging loan for a month and got their work done in that time!

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Dear Suninfrance, you've chosen the kindest and most humane course of action. Many of us have been there ... a feeling of betrayal is common as well, when you're at the vets. It's never easy but be strong and remember all the good times. In the end it's the kindest thing you can do for your good friend.
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OH is bringing her to the new house today - it will stress her, but I can give her more time than he can at the moment.  Once she is here (and I hope she makes it), we can discuss options with the vet in Lubersac who is very gentle and kind and was very helpful to us when we took four feral cats to be neutered - Missy included.   I'm not saying the guy in Objat wasn't, in fact he was brilliant with her, but I feel more comfortable having her do what needs to be done, rather than the big high tech practice in Objat.

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Hi Sundance,

I know you have been obviously torn by your position with Missy over the last few days.... and.......This is not meant to be an unkind question but can I ask why you asked for advice in your original post and everyone replied that you would be doing the best thing for Missy if you had her put gently to sleep in order to eliminate the stress and trauma of moving her and then you decided to ignore all the caring and well intentioned advice...... it just seems so pointless.

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We decided to bring her to the new house because we know that the vet we would be taking her to would be able to do it at home and we both wanted to be with her when it happened.  Missy survived the journey (and I know it was a risk), but she made it and with no ill effects.  I spoke the vet this morning and despite Missy's age and ailments, the hyperthyrodism being the major issue here, she suggested trying Missy on a different diet that Hill's have just brought out called the Y/D Healthcare for Hyperthyroidism.   I will do anything to give Missy a chance and if this food helps, then I will give it a go.

This food is new to the market and the vet didn't know too much about it, but I have looked at it on the internet and it seems that by feeding the cat these biscuits or tins, I will be able to halve her intake of the Felimazole tablets she takes twice a day, immediately, and then after a week take her off the tablets completely.  The diet is said to be able to replace the iodine in small doses that is needed for the thyroid to function and also aids the kidney function.

I am concerned that this diet won't work, but if it does, and Missy improves, then I will have given her a fighting chance.  If, however, the diet proves to be too late to help her, then I have the other option, but I would feel happier knowing that I have tried EVERY option.

I was not ignoring all the caring and well intentioned advice - for which I am very grateful - and we had made up our mind that that was the best course of action, but another option has been thrown into the mix and I am willing to try it.

The vet has ordered the food for me and we collect it tomorrow afternoon, so I will let you know how we get on.  If it makes Missy feel better in herself, then maybe her other ailments won't seem so much of a problem. 




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Hi Sundance,

I'm so glad that Missy made the journey and hope that the new diet goes well for her.

It sounds as if you love her dearly and really hope things can improve for her now that she survived the move to the new house.

At least now that you've made the decision you will know in your own mind that you've done all you can to give her every possible chance.

I wish you all the very best of luck and hope that Missy settles well into her new "retirement home".

Best wishes.


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Thank you Mel.

I love all my cats dearly and would do what I could to help them.  I had resigned myself to losing Missy, but there is another chance for her which I will try.  She has already settled into her new retirement home after only two days and although she is not that keen to go outside yet, will sit on the doorstep surveying the scenery.  Her daughter is another problem and I have been hard pushed to get her out of the attic since Monday.  However, last night, she decided to go out just before it got dark and had a run in with the neighbours male cat (Sardine - after the french cartoon cat) who is real bruiser.  I tried to shoo him away, but his eyes squinted and he growled and hissed at me.  I did eventually persuade him to leave, but poor little Podge would not come out of the bushes.  She finally came in at 11.30pm and if she got any closer to me in bed last night she'd have smothered me.   As for Tabs, she found a way out of the garden within a day of getting here and went on a long adventure yesterday.   She popped back occasionally to say hello, then she was off again.  She came back just as Podge was going out, so herding them in last night was a real bundle of laughs.

They all have their own individual personalities and unfortunately all hate each other, but have learned to avoid one another.

As for the neighbours cat, he may be male, but all my girls are spayed.  I can, however, see there may be problems ahead with that one as if he can growl and hiss at me, he is one to be wary of as far as the girls are concerned.



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[quote user="Suninfrance"] I can, however, see there may be problems ahead with that one as if he can growl and hiss at me, he is one to be wary of as far as the girls are concerned.


He's 'all mouth & trousers' - as with most things in life, women usually have the last word.

As a cat person, you'll be well aware that its just a territory thing - new kids on the block and all that. 

Best of luck with Missy - it could well be that the change of scene, together with the new diet, will bring on a new lease of life.  

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Update on Missy.

Well, we picked up the prescription diet food for her and she was straight into it.  Unfortunately, because of her weight which is currently just under two kilos, she is only allowed 30g a day, but by 6pm, that had all gone, so just a small handful overnight to help her through the night.  We've stopped her tablets completely on the vet's and Hill's recommendation and so far so good.

Today is her second full day on the  food and she is just not interested - little ****.   I've had to remove all other cat food so she can't snack on that, much to the other two cats dismay, so now feeding in different rooms and locking poor Missy out of those rooms.

However, I must say, that so far, she seems a little improved.  Her eyes are brighter, she's not using her tray so much, and yesterday evening, she jumped over the gate and went for a stroll down the road, whereas normally she just sits around the house, sleeping, eating or using her tray.  She just seems to have a bit more interest in her now.

Update on Podge

She finally came out of attic, got over the fence and refused to come back in that night.  So I decided to let her do her own thing.  Around 3am dreadful yowling and the most vicious sounding fight which could only have been Podge and the bruiser cat from next door which the owners admit to being a "blagard" who will even take on another neighbours Doberman.  Went out, no sign of them - so another sleepless night worrying about Podge who appeared the next morning, bright as a button, no chunks of fur missing and completely intact.  I've not seen the male cat since then though.

Update on Tabs

She doesn't really care much as long as gets food when she wants it and a tummy tickle, and a comfy bed to sleep on.


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