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Norman, gorgeous grandad cat needs your help

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Norman was found wandering the streets after his owner died. He is a gorgeous siamese snowshoe/birman cross cat of 14/15 years old. Happy to have a warm secure place, Norman is very friendly and gets along with anyone!

FIV/FeLV negative, neutered, vaccinated and microchipped - 250268710322500


Please call Cat Rescue and Rehoming Charity, Chats du Quercy for more info and check out our website too, there are photos of all the cats and kittens in need of new, permanent, loving homes.

Telephone: 05 63 94 73 97

Website: www.chatsduquercy.com

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[quote user="Chats du Quercy"]Norman was found wandering the streets after his owner died. He is a gorgeous siamese snowshoe/birman cross cat of 14/15 years old. [/quote]

The lovely old fellow.


Norman, papi chat de 14/5 ans attend son foyer- c'est un chat très zen, très charmeur et très à l'aise dans ses pattes.

Il déclenche la machine à ronrons plus vite que son ombre et demande sans cesse des câlins !

Norman né en 1997 male super joli croisé birman/siamois snowshoe à poil long! Numéro d'identification 250268710322500


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