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Max, the Labrador, needs a new home URGENTLY!

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Poor Max is desperate to get out of the Refuge!  He has even hurt his paws on the gate of his run (not seriously fortunately), he is so unhappy to find himself without a loving home.  If you are interested in adopting Max, please get in touch. 

Max is 4 years old, he is vaccinated and micro chipped (250 269 500 554 265).  Max was briefly adopted a few days ago, but was promptly returned when the people did not give him enough of a chance to settle with the family cats - something which can be achieved with care and patience!  So he is even more distraught to find himself back in a cage.  He is a friendly dog who just loves people.  He walks well on the lead and is obedient - he just needs some training with a loving family to become a much loved family dog.










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Shame he can't be sent to the north east America. There's a massive demand for labs up here. In fact the labs in need of rescue from the south are all shipped to the north east because of that demand. Our yellow lab was found on the streets of Louisiana with pups. She was cleaned up, and brought up north, and found a home (us in this case) within weeks.

I would love to take this fellow. He looks adorable, but our house is now full, and the flight out from France would cost a fortune. I really hope he finds a good home soon.

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That's a shame Mr Coeur de Lion II!  We have homed dogs long distance - one went first to Switzerland and then on to New Zealand with his owners! 

Max will certainly make a super dog for someone if we can just get them together! 

It would be great to work with associations in north east America - but the distance/cost is the prohibitive problem sadly.


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  • 1 month later...
An update on Max (who is still sadly in the Refuge!).... (Ejc - I have PM'd you)

This is what a fellow volunteer has to say about Max - she walks him often and he is one of her favourites!  Max shares a run with a female GSP - he gets on very well with her.  Max is just your typical Labrador - loves people and is sociable, friendly and full of energy.  On the issue of cats... with the usual careful introduction - all should be well... It is just a question of time and patience to settle in a new dog and for him to find his place in the "pack".  Educating a dog is an ongoing task... so some sort of education for any dog arriving in a new family is advisable!

"...He has never shown any interest in the Refuge cats - doesn't pull you towards the cat enclosure or get wound up as you walk past it.

Have walked Max in the forest with another dog (male) and he is usually uninterested. In fairness, I and another volunteer have stayed very vigilant and walked 2 or 3 meters apart but the other dog has touched noses with Max - who wasn't bothered. I haven't seem him be aggressive or dominant with other dogs and like all the dogs, he is a different boy outside the Refuge. He is very affectionate, playful and obedient - what's not to like?

In conclusion, can only say good things about him. Feel he is a great dog who deserves a proper chance to settle somewhere new."


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