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The Phoenix Kitten Team

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Spare a Thought for the Phoenix Kitten Team…!

12 tiny little hungry mouths, and imagine the noise.

Our principle cat and kitten Foster Carer here at Phoenix, along with her husband, are currently bottle-feeding 12 abandoned kittens every 2 hours. As if that wasn't enough, they have 18 other foster cats and kittens in their care.

We're not able to take in more abandoned cats and kittens until we can get these ones into loving, permanent homes, and so this is where we hope you can help us.

If you'd like to adopt a cat or kitten, please contact Lynda on 05 53 81 30 44 or email lapuille@gmail.com

If you'd like to donate to Phoenix, to help us in our work in rescuing and re-homing animals, please visit our website www.phoenixasso.com and click on the 'Donate' button, or send a cheque, payable to Association Phoenix, to Les Jabauds, 24380, Vergt.

Please note, Phoenix is not state-funded, we are all volunteers from the Président down and the only means of covering our huge costs is through donations and fundraising. No cat leaves Phoenix until it's microchipped, vaccinated, de-parasited and where age-appropriate, sterilised.

A big thank you to all of you who support us - it means everything.

The Phoenix Team


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