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Tigrou - scared little 5 month old Phoenix cat - NOW ADOPTED!

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Please can you help Tigrou, scared little 5 month-old Phoenix cat

"My name is Tigrou, and I wonder if you can please help me?

I'm not very happy in foster care. It's not that Phoenix aren't lovely - I have a loving foster mummy, plenty of toys and a nice bed, but we all have to live together in our nice big pen, and don't tell anyone, but I'm scared of the other cats. 

It's a bit embarrassing as I've been put in the pen with the smaller kittens as they scare me less. I really do want to get out of here though and have my own human. I'd probably be ok with other cats, but would need to be introduced properly, although I'd prefer to be yours and yours alone. 

I was found in someone's garden. I was very thin and very hungry. I'm ok now though, but it's all been a bit much for me, being homeless, so I just need a bit of love, if that's ok with you….

Yours hopefully


Tigrou is in Issac, Dordogne. Please call Lynda on 05 53 81 30 44 or email lapuille@gmail.com

Chip Number 250266730219187



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