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Racing Pigeon

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We've got one in our garden and he / she won't go away!

First noticed it early this morning trying to lean over the edge of the pool to get a drink - without success. After a while, I put out a plant pot saucer with some fresh water and it had a good drink. It then curled up in the shade and nodded off for a while.

Later, it tried to get in to the house, so doors had to be shut. It can fly OK, so not injured and it seems quite plump, so not underfed (though I'm hardly an expert on pigeon health!)

I can get to within a foot of it and it has tags on both feet - a green one on the right and two (a yellow & an orange) on the left. There is a number on one of them (not a phone no!)

Any ideas as to who I might be able to contact? Daft as it may seem, there just might be a sort of 'lost pigeon clearing house' number that I could ring.

Mark you, I'm not sure that I fancy this bloke's chances overnight around here - there are plenty of bad guys around who'd just fancy a pigeon supper!
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The last thing you would want to eat is an old racing pigeon, we bred pigeons ( for eating) for a while and you eat them young. What would happen if it gets back to it's loft, after getting lost; is it's neck will be stretched.
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Thanks Idun & everybody.

Laddo is currently up on the roof, so well away from the bad guys!

The plan is to entice him in to the cat box of one of our late-belated felines. Bird seed that usually gets put out in Winter.

If I can then identify him easily ............ then a phone call from Idun's link.

Most likely, a release 5kms away from here and "Bonne Chance" old chap.
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Well he spent the night on the roof and showed his appreciation by crapping all over it!

First thing, he was pecking away in the garden without a care in the world & was still at it mid- morning.

Then he diappeared! At midday, I was chatting to a neighbour 100m away and he said that he'd been with them earlier. He reckoned that he fancied 'Pigeon avec Sauce Chasseur et Petits Pois' for his dinner tonight.

Anyway ............ no further sightings, but I'll believe that he's gone when he's really gone, if you see what I mean.

This could easily run and run.
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[quote user="Gardian"]Well he spent the night on the roof and showed his appreciation by crapping all over it! [/quote]

Never mind, it'll make the tiles look more authentic.

Our new ones came with simulated birdsh*t speckled all over them.

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