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A fine of 30,000€ if you try to stop the hunters..

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Or a year in prison!

Le Sénat à créé jeudi 11 avril un délit d'entrave à la chasse lors de l'examen du projet de loi pour la création de l'office français de la biodiversité.

Un an d'emprisonnement et 30 000 euros d'amende.Voilà ce que pourra risquer une personne qui voudrait s'opposer à un acte de chasse. La simple contravention devient un délit.


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I would suggest that they may do it in the upper Alpine Valleys, as many assist those entering France illegally on that treacherous crossing.

Without reading all the laws, can people no longer state they no longer want hunters on their land???

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Macron is a bullsh*t merchant, just like Blair.

The world is full of people like him trying to take your money, take your freedom, and take advantage ... Be one step ahead. Learn to read the signs of a professional bullsh*tter, and you'll be a lot better off.
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I have little time for Macron but he is at least trying to modernize the French system and clean out the Augean Stables created by far too many years of the left leaning and Socialist indoctrinated establishment.

Just look at the pensions mess he has to sort, not to mention the usual targets of State spending and unequal representation.

In the end the Gilets Jaunes might just be his best allies as they have isolated the extreme left and anarchic fringes whoch can then be dealt woth.

Not quite sure how he has taken my money yet, Harsner?
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