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Sneezing cat


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I have a kitten - ten months old- who has never stopped sneezing. There is discharge but the kitten is not ill, he is very lively. He was neutered at 7 months and the vet gave me a homeopathic remedy which helps when he is bad. He has not been innoculated against Coryza yet as the vet said to wait a while.

Has anyone else had this experience with a kitten? He has not thrived as quickly as the others and his fur is very thin.

I am hoping it is just an allergy maybe that he will grow out of, but any suggestions gratefully received. Thanks
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Change vets! The kitten has a virulent cat flu, which can be fatal. My two orphans had this and it took an antibiotic shot to help them fight it off.

The flu is a virus and the antibiotic only helps by strengthening the immune system.

Hope your kitten soon recovers!

Julia with four very healthy cats!
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