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Dogs on new Speedferries service?


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I am very impressed with the prices on the new speedferries site - www.speedferries.com - if you book far enough ahead, you get 25 each way for standard car + 5 and there is no increase depending on the time of year!!!

The only thing is, does anyone know if they allow dogs as well?

I have read that the car decks on these vessels may give a rougher trip than on conventional feries and that the fumes may be stronger - but we have taken them over on 4 hour crossings to Ireland before in very rough seas (lots of pitching and rolling) and they seemed to have had a better time than we did up stairs.

If Speedferries can offer this sort of price AND I can take my babies - I won't be just impressed, I will have fallen in love!

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I checked this with Speedferries and they e-mailed me the following reply:

"Thanks for your interest in SpeedFrerries. We do not expect to be able to carry pets from the route start 19 May, but we are in the process of applying for autorization under the Pets Travel Scheme, which we hope will be in effect before 1 August. Dogs, except guide dogs, will have to stay in the car during the crossing. The price per dog is 20 GBP.

Please tjek our website for further informations: www.speedferries.com. "

Let's hope that they can get the necessary authorisation arranged.

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  • 2 months later...
I asked SpeedFerries for an update on the Pet Passport situation and I got the following reply:

Thank you for your interest in SpeedFrerries. We are only able to carry pets from Dover to Boulogne for the moment, but we are in the process of applying for authorization under the Pets Travel Scheme, which we hope will be in effect around 1 August (We can not guarantee this as the matter is now in the hands of the British authorities!). Dogs, except guide dogs, will have to stay in the car during the crossing. The price per dog is 15 GBP.

I assume that this is 15 each way per dog - but this is 5 cheaper than the reply I got from them back in April (see posting no. 2), so things are looking up.

Let's hope that DEFRA get their fingers out!

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