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How to find my beloved cat ?


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My darling burmese cat has been missing for seven days.
I have, aside from searching the woodland and local area daily, posted many pictures of him, placed a lost advert in the local paper, phoned/visited the vet and generally tried to make people aware that he is missing.

Does anyone have any suggestions as to what/where-else I might try?

He has a UK Microchip but would that be readable in France?
He has never been out for a single night in his life (9 years) and I fear the worst, but not knowing is just awful.

We live in a very rural area with few buildings to get stuck in. Is it possible he has been killed by a fox, buzzard, badger. Or perhaps stuck up a tree ?? I could cope knowing he is dead.
Any suggestions appreciated.

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LAST EDITED ON 12-Jul-04 AT 10:57 PM (BST)

Years ago, in the UK, one of my cats went missing for 8 days, late May / early June. I was very upset. (Understatement) She then reappeared, considerably thinner, immaculately groomed, very hungry and thirsty and voluntarily stayed in for several days.

We assumed she had been shut in somewhere (garage, shed, greenhouse) and been released, perhaps when someone returned from a weeks holiday.

I think you've done all the right things... perhaps also you could post a note through neighbours' doors asking them to check sheds, garages etc?

It's unlikely that a fox would have taken him, especially if he's a robust, healthy cat. A bird of prey (falcon or hawk rather than a buzzard) is a possibility, but it's not *that* likely. Badger is totally unlikely. If you've combed the immediate area on foot, you'll probably have heard him complaining if he's stuck up a tree.

Good luck, I really hope he returns and please don't give up looking for him yet.

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Hi we know how you feel,important question has he been neutered?The reason i ask is we breed turkish van cats, one night our youngest male cat got out of the house and did not return for several days we were very worried.Male cats tend to go roaming if they are not neutered.He should come home soon...
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Em I am sure he will turn up but I really know what you are going through. We are on tenterhooks when ours dont turn up for breakfast. We once had a cat disappear for over 2 weeks just before we were moving house - he turned up in the nick of tiem having been shut in someones garage whilst they were on holiday!
Please let us know. We are all keeping fingers crossed that he turns up soon.
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We had a cat that went missing a couple of times (once for several months, once she was found hiding under a prostitute's bath) and a tom that would regularly disappear for a week at a time. Next door's cat recently went missing for eight days - they often do turn up again, so don't despair.


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>My darling burmese cat has been
>missing for seven days.

I do sympathize, as we too, have a much loved burmese cat. At this present time she is encased in a complete body bandage due to a wild barley husk entering her flesh like a splinter and causing a massive infection.

My suggestion would be to search the woodland and fields near to where you live, over and over again. You may just have missed something. I don't want to alarm you, for I know how I would feel in your situation, but this is what I would do and keep checking the farm buildings on a regular basis too.

Our burmese went missing when we lived in Wales and eventually I found her living rough in an outhouse. She had completely ignored my calls and was most put out when I rumbled her hideaway. Lots of rabbits in the field nearby were the great attraction. A ready source of food, so no need to return home.

>He has a UK Microchip but
>would that be readable in

Yes, the chip can be recognised in France. In fact vets prefer them to the tatoo.

If you have a picture of your cat, photocopy it and display wherever possible. You never know, somebody might recognise him.

Don't give up. Keep searching. Even if the locals do think you're potty. All the best and good luck.

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Our Siamese male was neutered at 6months old and is now 8. Three years ago he went missing for five days and we feared he was dead. It broke our hearts to see traces of him roundthe house where he had scratched and his toys and the other cats seemed to be very sad as well. Then at about 11pm one night my husband took one more regular look out of the front door and there he was,coming up the drive like he had never been away. He was very hungry and thin,but a good night's sleep after a feed did him the world of good and he has since stayed out for no more than two nights on the trot. Have you made sure your cat is not trapped in any outbuildings or neighbour's buildings,as one of ours was once. I also put a small ad in the local Le Telegramme for this region offering a small reward and had several replies, all for other cats though as well as little notices in every letterbox locally. Letting the local vet know as well is a good idea, ours has a board with details of missing animals on it. I know what you are going through and do hope he comes back and having lost another cat two years who never came back during the chasse season,it is very easy to fear the worst.
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Dear Em

I really feel for you; in fact my stomach started churning as soon as I read your posting. We went through exactly the same thing with our much-loved Birman a couple of years ago. Please do not give up hope; we had tried everything and really had given up because he had never gone missing in his life before. The best I could imagine was that he had been stolen and given a loving home.

However, to my absolute joy, I went down into the kitchen one morning and he was there. I could hardly believe it. He had returned at some point in the night through the cat flap and was waiting patiently. He was very thin - his long hair disguised the fact to a degree but I could feel his bony haunches. For the first 48 hours all he wanted to do was to eat and sleep but after that he was fine. I would love to know where he was for 8 days; if only he could talk! Fortunately he has never wandered far again - and I sincerely hope he never does.

I do hope that your story has an equally happy ending.

Very best of luck,
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Thank-you, so much, for all of your replies. It is a great help to at least be asking for suggestions and to hear of your own missing cats gives me some hope.
I don't have any children and Crunchie was my cat of a lifetime. I still have another wonderful Burmese who is doing his best to keep me sane.
The first advert, with photo, in the "perdu" section of the local paper, came out today but no response so far.
I have continued to search, but the silence is deafening.
The only coincidence with the day he disappeared is that we were having our fields cut for hay that day. I am more and more contemplating that he must have been caught in the cutter. He is not the sort to wander off (he slept on my pillow every night!) and although he was a cat destined for fame, and he wouldn't say "no" to adventure, he was a mummy's boy at heart.
Thanks again for you responses. It helps to know I am not alone.
Our dog died earlier this year and a pony before that. So, so far not too much joy with pets since we moved.
I have to say that our French neighbours/shopkeepers/vets have been wonderfully kind and done their best to help. Their attitude has been heart warming.
Their, and your kindness is very appreciated.
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Don't despair, my moggy disapeard when we moved house in England.
He had been missing for almost a year! when I recognized his description in the "lost & found" section of our local paper.
It seemed too good to be true after so long.
Apparently he had been in and out of the three villages around our house, occasionly scrounging meals from kind cat lovers.
He's fine now and has'nt run off again.
Good luck in tracking yours down.
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Just had a phone call from some-one who lives further up the road from us, who had her cat disappear on the same day as ours.

Co-incidence, or something more sinister?

Everyone I've asked says cats don't get stolen in France, but can we be sure?

Am hoping to sort out some joint effort and maybe get the paper to cover it.

Thanks for listening.

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We have had cats go missing and they have always been found alive and well. Unfortunately, recently one of ours disappeared and I feared the worst. We called vets, asked around, put posters up etc. She turned up in the neighbours well, as he had moved the cover to put his pump down to water his garden, put it back and he found her the next time he watered. A timely warning to well owners to be careful, but not much comfort and I am still heart broken. The only 'good' think is that I know and my imagination isn't working overtime.

I really feel for you and know the torture you are going through. It is worth keeping on asking neighbours to check buildings etc. Really hope it turns out ok and you are happily reunited.
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