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Poorly chickens


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Help! We purchased some hens last year and they have been absolutely fine. We bought some additional hens not long ago and about two weeks later they started to get snuffly beaks. They seem well enough, feeding, drinking and generally scratching about but they don't seem to be able to shift the runny beaks. Will I be laughed out of town if I go to the vet about this? Should I just get someone to wring their necks?
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Contact the vet ASAP, it could be the virus known as "Newcastle" disease, you other stock can be vaccinated but there is no treatment for those that may have the problem.
signs are sneezing gasping & coughing, then a nervous twitching.

good luck Pauline.
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Unfortunately, lots of different chicken diseases can cause the symptoms you have described, so it's always very difficult to diagnose the exact nature of the problem - Mycoplasma and Infectious Bronchitis would be two possibles (not as bad and notnotifiable like Newcastle Disease)and can be treated with antibiotics which you would need to get from a vet. Has there been any physical changes in the egg shape or laying pattern? Have any of the original birds become infected? Do you have any neighbours with chicken-knowledge who could look at them for you?

Sorry I can't be more specific - if you are concerned i would take one bird to the Vet.
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