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Complete France Forum

Cats - Eurotunnel or Ferry?


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We are moving to France with our two cats both aged around 12yrs. We can either take our cats via:

6hr Ferry crossing with a 3/4hr drive when we arrive


1/2 hr Eurotunnel but with a 7hr drive at the end of the journey

Which do cats prefer? Eeeee what a question - I can hear 8 out of 10 cats who expressed a preference saying "neither we are going to hate it and you will feel so guilty for doing this to us"


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I think it depends on the cats... do they like to travel by car? If not best take the ferry... if they do you might consider the tunnel.
At the end of the day though I think a happy owner is more likely to have a happy cat - what you prefer will count for a lot.
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  • 1 month later...
Definately opt for the tunnel. I did the trip with our two cats (similar age to yours) and was advised to do the train - if you think about it, the car decks are horrible places with bright lights, clanking chains and men shouting. The journey from Dover to Calais is 85 mins with lots of mucking around. You have to leave the cats in the car and what if you had a 'choppy' crossing! The tunnel was very smooth, quick (30 mis), the staff just waved us through and we stayed in the car with the cats all the time. I bought one of those big dog carriers for each of the mogs and attached water bowls to the doors. I cut up an old duvet and they were fine. We are right down in the middle south west, so I had a long old drive and decided to do it through the night so that our ten year old and the cats would settle down and hopefully sleep. I loaded myself up with a flask of strong coffee and some of those caffeine-in-a-tin type drinks, booked us on to a train that left Dover at around 8.30pm arrived in France and went for it! I stopped for a short kip at Poitiers and arrived safe and well at our home around 8.30am. The cats settled in just fine and moving here has given them both a new lease of life. Just one other thing, I bought some of that Rescue Remedy spray and gave both cats and the duvets a squirt before I left and I don't know if it was any good or not but our journey wasn't half as bad as I'd been dreading it would be. Good luck!
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