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Complete France Forum

WAnted 10- 12hh pony


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I'm a bit puzzled as to why a french speaker would have trouble finding such a pony, as there are plenty of horse dealers all over France with ponys like this for sale, especially as the summer season is nearing to a close and lots of parents sell up during the winter to save on costs, and buy another larger pony for the next seasons clubbing.
If your in the Mayenne/Normandy region I have the names of several such dealers she could call.

One small comment, keeping a pony alone isnt really fair, unless there are sheep or other livestock nearby which can keep him company, has your neighbour considered this do you think?
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  • 2 weeks later...
DITTO the message above.

There are lots of riding schools who sell off all their horses at the end of the season for a very small price and some of them let people have them on loan for the winter months. In any case it is VERY unfair to keep a pony of it's own. They are very much herd animals and need their own kind for company. It's a very sad life on their own and they are not toys to discard when you are fed up with them, despite what lots of well-intentioned parents think!!!

This isn't meant to sound nasty and I cannot find a smiley face to put on this - don't know how to do it!!!
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