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Vets In Calais


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We used a vet in Boulogne in early August (on recommendation of our hotel when we arrived) and they were excellent. Too thorough in truth as she told us our goldie was way overweight... its so nice to be told off by a French vet! Seriously tho, if you need contact details let us know and I'll dig them out.
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The vet we used was at the Clinique Veterinaire de Perrochel, 24 Rue de Perrochel, Boulogne. Tel: 03 21 31 51 51. It was a female vet we had, didn't keep her name, very helpful and efficient without being cold. The surgery is just 100 yards around the corner from the Ibis (Centre Les Ports) who take dogs, by the way. We walked into the surgery at lunchtime and booked an appointment for later that afternoon (knowing we had until midday the following day to get our goldie treated). Very nice peeps I will say (Carter the goldie wasn't happy to have his temperature taken, or be given a worming injection, but that of course isn't necessary for the PETS scheme!).

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Lots of English spoken - just as well as my technical animal-based French is pretty poor - okay, non existent! I had been fretting about coming back to the UK all holiday as it was our first time crossing with a pet (I held back from saying animal...!) so you can imagine my relief to stumble accross these vets. The surgery isn't huge, but well equiped, and friendly which was the main thing. I had been worried reading the paperwork about foreign travelling where DEFRA recommend you book the return vet appointment as soon as you arrive in France as the vets sometimes have to get the forms required - not a problem in our case, can't vouch for all vets tho.

Enjoy your trip (or is it the other way around France to England and back) and I hope you find the vet okay.

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