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cost of pet passport for a small dog


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Can anyone please let me know the approximate cost of obtaining the necessary papers/passport for a small dog to travel in and out of France.

Also the approx. cost of the jabs to leave france and return to england. Not that I know why I ever want to return to england !!!!! 



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Hi it cost us approx £120 in total.  You can travel to France as soon as the odg has had its rabies vaccination but cannot travel back to the Uk for 6 months after the injection.  In effect you can only go backwards and forwards 6 months after the rabies injection.  On returning to the UK you need to find a vet that has the scanner for the micro chip as not all french vets have them, although you can hire one this end (quite costly).  They then de-flea and de-tick and give you certificate saying your dog can travel back.  All a bit of a nuisance really but i suppose it saves any diseases.  Good luck
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We have a cat which, hadn't needed to go to the vet for 17 years.

What amazed me was the differences in prices vets quoted for the service. Highest, £235, lowest, £70. I only rang around because the DEFRA registered vet nearest was on holiday at the time we needed the booking. The vet we went to could offer no explanation for the difference in prices quoted.

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[quote]Hi it cost us approx £120 in total. You can travel to France as soon as the odg has had its rabies vaccination but cannot travel back to the Uk for 6 months after the injection. In effect you can on...[/quote]

For us, the process was:

Only one of our dogs had a microchip, so we had to have the other one done when we got the 1st rabies shots done,

2 weeks later, we had the 2nd rabies shots,

1 month later, we had the blood tests done.  Luckily, the test results were successful - if they hadn't been, we would have had to have them redone.

Once we got the successful blood test results, we could bring the dogs back into the UK 6 months after the date of the successful blood tests - not from the date of the rabies jab.

Hope this helps


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Our dog's travel date to go and be able to return is 6 months after the rabies injection and we only had to have 1 rabies vaccination!  Doesn't make sense does it how each vet seem to do things differently?  We then have to have a rabies booster every 2 years, if its late even by a week we have to start the process from scratch!  Best i pencil that date in now so i don't 4 get
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Brumble this is very important it is not six months after injection but six months after the blood test if you have,'t had the blood test your six months hasn't started! go back and check with your vet.

the reason for the difference in protocols for the rabies is some vets are more prudent in ensuring first time rabies vacciantions produce sufficient rabies antibodies some dogs fail their blood test after one vaccination its more likely to passs first time if two vaccines are given.


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I Know its early days as you have just started the process but ensure that you record the date of the injection, although the manufacturers state they are valid for two years the Pet Passport scheme anly allows for one year.  miss the date of the injection by one day and the whole process has to be repeated with the 6 months delay from the blood test.

Don't forget the transport costs, usually free UK to France but £30 back, also number of pets on a ferry is limited even though they remain in the car, also some services wont allow pets (P&O Portsmouth Caen).  we also find that we have to pay and extra £9 on pet plan insurance for each visit, am now looking for a French company.

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The official Defra website giving details of the Pet Travel Scheme is: http://www.defra.gov.uk/animalh/quarantine/pets/procedures/owners.htm 

This says the following about the six month rule:

Your pet may not enter the UK under PETS until six months have passed from the date that your vet took the blood sample which led to a successful test result (see below). Once the vet has signed the PETS certificate and that six month period has passed, the PETS certificate is valid and your pet may enter the UK.

It also gives the following information about booster vaccinations:

After your pet has been vaccinated and successfully blood tested, it will need regular booster vaccinations. These must be given by the "valid until" date on the PETS certificate. If this date is missed your animal will not meet the conditions of the scheme and will have to be vaccinated and blood tested again. The 6 month rule will then apply from the date the new blood sample is taken. If your pet always has its booster on time, it will not need another blood test.

I am going to see my vet this Friday, so I will check this last part out with him.


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Please note if the trip is likely to be one way you do NOT need a passport.

All the French want is a letter saying you are healthy and they recommend Rabies and other injectings if you will be staying in public areas such as campsites.

When I came to France my owners were lightened in the wallet department, messed about by vets - I ended up having Rabies injections twice as the vets were incompetant, only to get to France and not one person in Boulogne looked at me or checked my papers!

Personally I said the time and money and only bother should you be forced into returning. The rules keep changing.


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Please note if the trip is likely to be one way you do NOT need a passport.

All the French want is a letter saying you are healthy and they recommend Rabies and other injectings if you will be staying in public areas such as campsites.

When I came to France my owners were lightened in the wallet department, messed about by vets - I ended up having Rabies injections twice as the vets were incompetant, only to get to France and not one person in Boulogne looked at me or checked my papers!

Personally I'd save the time and money and only bother should you be forced into returning. The rules keep changing.


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Yep - we've done the trip a couple of times now with mutt. Our dog was already microchipped, and the cost of getting the necessry paperwork in UK was about £120. As already said the rabies jab has to be repeated within the 12 months in order to allow continued travel. P&O do carry dogs on the Portsmouth - Caen route, even on the fast ferry, although they dont recommend it, and judging by the crossing back last Saturday evening I can understand why. Those fast cats (boats that is) dont like rough seas and the dog was thoroughly underwhelmed by the whole experience of sitting in the car bay in a force 8. (Mind you 80% oif the passengers looked underwhelmed as well).

Dont forget that 24hrs - 48hrs prior to return the pet has to be treated for fleas/ticks using drops on the neck, and have an injection for a parasitic worm. We always make an appointment with our local French vet as soon as we arrive. Cost has been €50 per treatment.

It does mean though that you cant travel back on Monday evening as the treatment needs to be applied sometime between Saturday evening and Sunday evening and vets dont seem to operate at these times....

Paperwork is now simplified and since July this year the animal has a real passport booklet that gets stamped each time, rather than the sheafs of paper we are currently carrying around.

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  • 4 weeks later...

"It does mean though that you cant travel back on Monday evening as the treatment needs to be applied sometime between Saturday evening and Sunday evening and vets dont seem to operate at these times...."

True one has to be careful wih ones return trip, or having a considerate vet.

Only problem out Black Labrador has is we won't let her go in the water after the treatment

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Harmerw wrote: "As already said the rabies jab has to be repeated within the 12 months in order to allow continued travel."

Considering our dogs had their last rabies shots on 14/10/2003, this made me very worried as it would mean the 12 months are almost up.  I checked with the DEFRA website, which clearly states:

Re-vaccination (boosters)

After your pet has been vaccinated and successfully blood tested, it will need regular booster vaccinations. These must be given by the "valid until" date on the PETS certificate. If this date is missed your animal will not meet the conditions of the scheme and will have to be vaccinated and blood tested again. The 6 month rule will then apply from the date the new blood sample is taken. If your pet always has its booster on time, it will not need another blood test.


The "valid until" date on our dogs' PETS certificates is 14/10/2005, so I can rest easy - we have another year to go until the boosters is due.


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