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Good homes needed for Monty, Holly, Billy and Blanchette

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Regular LF forum members in the Normandy area will be greatly saddened to hear of the recent death of Clive from Paws Awhile kennels. He was a lovely man and completely potty about animals. I know for a fact that my dogs loved staying with him as he treated them as his own. It's only right therefore that we return some of the kindness he showed by finding good, caring homes for his own pets that have been left behind...

Monty is an 11 year old tri-colour long-haired Jack Russell. He is very spritely and in good health. He would be better placed with a man, although would settle quite happily in a family environment. Although used to other dogs he may appreciate some quality one-on-one attention in his autumn years!

Holly is a 3 year old black and white domestic short-haired cat. She can be a bit timid if she doesn't know you but sooon responds to a stroke and a cuddle. She likes her own independance and doesn't take kindly to being 'over-handled' - she will sit on your lap when she's good and ready but not before!

Billy and Blanchette are a pair of goats. It's these that we feel will be most difficult to find homes for as not many people are willing to take on goats or livestock. Billy was hand-reared so is very tame and gentle. He's also quite protective of Blanchette in that he will stand between her and a dog in the same field, but he's not aggressive.

Please, please, please...if you can help find homes for any of them contact me as soon as possible.

Many thanks


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Hi Emma

We were also really saddened to hear about Clives death.  He'll be greatly missed by******o and Sonny too.

We've literally just received a goat and a sheep that were (apparently) due for the table so am unable to help at present.  Not forgetting the two cats that were also (apparently) due to be strangled at birth.

However, I will have an ask around and let you know if I find someone.

Good luck Emma


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Thanks very much for the offer of a home for the goats. We now have 2 possible homes for them within the area so we're going to follow these leads up first. If all else fails then I'll certainly keep you in mind although the distance may be a problem. Thanks anyway...


Thanks for your reply - we're all still trying to come to terms with it but I guess it will take a while. I know you've got your hands full with the new arrivals so I appreciate you taking the time to ask around!

The latest I've heard from Clives friends is that Monty and Holly will probably have to go the SPA if homes can't be found. I haven't had any dealings in France with the SPA so I hope they don't have a policy of putting animals down if they are considered too old to rehome (thinking particularly of Monty). So another urgent plea...if anyone knows of a good, loving home for either Monty or Holly please get in touch asap.

Thanks again

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I've just received the news about Clive from another source.  How terribly sad.  Clive and particularly Glynis, made such a fuss of our cat Kobi whenever we took him to them, it was the one place we never minded leaving him.

Monty is absolutely mad as a hatter but completely adorable.  If it wasn't for Kobi I would offer myself, and I'm NOT a dog person.  Anyone reading these messages, he really is lovely.  PLEASE don't let him go to the SPA!!!  I'll ask around here in Manche to see if anyone can take him in - I would hate to think of him in a dog's home.  Oh, and to anyone that's interested - cats shouldn't be a problem, it's just that mine is old and grumpy.  Every time he went there Monty desperately tried to make friends!!!

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Ideally, I wouldn't like to see the animals put down either but I think we should be realistic and accept that being put down isn't the worst thing in the world for an animal. A poor home with ignorant and / or abusive owners probably is.

And I say this after I indulged (indulged?) in a yelling match in the street yesterday (in France) as I strongly and vocally (tho' unfortunately not very articulately) told off a woman about the sustained flogging - no exaggeration - she was doling out to her dog. Sadly, I doubt I made a difference to that animal's quality of life.


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Hi Dick

Yes, it is Clive from Husson. It's unlikely that Glynis will carry on with the kennels as the house and business were on the market before all this happened. It's a complicated situation which is why we need to find homes for the animals as soon as possible. It seems we have possible homes for the goats but still desperately looking for Monty and Holly. As Coco said Monty is adorable and even though he seems old at 11 he acts like a puppy and is very active, so if you know of anyone willing to give him or Holly a good home please let me know.

Many thanks
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[quote]Do the animals have passports? This may help someone decide.[/quote]

Sadly, no, although Monty is fully vaccinated (including rabies jabs). Holly is also up to date with her regular jabs but hasn't had any rabies jabs.

Had Monty already had a passport he would be in the UK by now as someone was happily able to give him a home there. Such a shame...
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At long last Holly the cat is having a 'trial run' in a loving and caring home. Let's hope that she settles in okay.

Now, poor Monty is still looking for that someone special who has it in their heart to give him lots of walks and cuddles. He's getting most confused when all the other dogs go home with their owners and can't understand why he can't go too, so if you can offer him a good home please let me know as soon as possible. If you want to see how adorable he is, just e-mail me and I'll send you a photo!

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  • 4 weeks later...
Just to give you all an update...Holly is settling in okay into her new home, the goats seem happy in theirs, and Monty...well...despite my pleas and over 500 people checking out this post no-one was able to offer him a home, so, we've adopted him! He's now having the time of his life playing with my 22month old son aswell as our 2 springers. He's not at all phased by the chickens or sheep and loves following me around as I go about my business.

I would like to thank the anonymous benefactor who very kindly left a bag of dog food on my doorstep. I haven't managed to find out who it was but I am very grateful (and so was Monty!)

Thanks also to everyone for all the messages of support and for trying their best to find homes for the animals in such sad circumstances.

Thanks again

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Now isn't that always the way!!!!!  I visited one of our neighbours today, who I recommended use Paws Awhile about 18 months ago when they first had to leave their puppy "Monty" for a trip to the UK.  They used Clive's facilities several times and when I first read this post they sprang to mind immediately, but for some reason I never contacted them.  Possibly the thought of having two dogs called Monty in the same house sounded too confusing to me.  However, today I told them the sad tale of Clive and then of the homeless Monty.  I had hardly finished the sentance before both simultaneously said "we'll have him".  Presumably he's now settled in with you and you're all happy with each other.  However, if you are only taking him in to prevent him from going into a home, this couple may well be the answer to your problem.  Please let me know if you still want to rehome him, or whether he is now settled.

I'm afraid I'm a cat person rather than a dog person but if I were to convert, Monty would be the dog to do it!  If you keep him I hope you are extremely happy together!!!

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[quote]Now isn't that always the way!!!!! I visited one of our neighbours today, who I recommended use Paws Awhile about 18 months ago when they first had to leave their puppy "Monty" for a trip to the UK. ...[/quote]

Sorry******o, Monty is here to stay! He's settled in so well and we're really happy with the way things have turned out. I think William (my little boy) would have something to say if his playmate was to disappear!

But thanks anyway

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I actually saw Monty yesterday and he has well and truly settled in with the family and the rest of the pets. He looks as if he has been there all his life and his little tail was wagging ten to the dozen. I is great to know that he he staying somewhere that he is well loved.
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Glad to hear he's so happy!  The people who were prepared to take him asked me if anyone has taken over Clive's business as they need to find somewhere for their Monty when they go back to the UK.  Are you far from Husson?



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As far as I know there are some people buying the house/business but not sure when it all goes through.

We're in Buais (about 5-10 minutes from Husson) and I would be happy to show the kennels to your friends before they decide to book. I've just had my (unnannounced) visit from the Services Veterinaire who inspect the kennels and make sure everything is in order. I'm pleased to say they were perfectly happy with everything here and will be back again next year!

If your friends would like to e-mail me I can send them an information leaflet, booking form and directions to the kennels.


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Our two chocolate labs have been to Emma at Acorn on 4 / 5 occasions now. I thoroughly recommend these kennels. Over the years, we've judged the quality of care by how calm and relaxed our dogs are when we collect them. Yes they're pleased to see us when we arrive to collect them (ie, leap around like puppies - they're 11!) but do they then hop into the car and settle down? Or are they hyper, whiny and unable to settle? They're completely calm and relaxed when we collect them from Emma; I'm really pleased and relieved we've got excellent kennels so close.


...who used to be 2heads but now wants to be a tree
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