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Could anyone tell me if it is true that if you have more than 3 dogs you have to live in a house that has no neighbours within 1 kilometre?

Maybe it varies from area to area,but I can't seem to get consistent info.We have a small show kennel of Labradors (4) and breed the occasional litter of puppies and sell them.

Would we be entering a minefield of bureacracy if we continued to do this in France when we moved here - hopefully this year (area not finally decided on yet) ?

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Difficult to give a truly “accurate” answer to that one. I have no experience the rules myself so can only summarise what others have said (from a variety of sources). I’m sure others will contradict my summary, but I’m sure a lot depends on your commune.

It seems to depend on where you live (or maybe your local maire or area and even then it can depend on your neighbours as to whether any rules are enforced).

Certainly it seems in some areas (depending on your location and proximity to neighbours) there is a 3 dog limit without permission. It may be in some areas that permission is required if within 100m of another habitation. I have not heard of 1Km (but that does not mean it is not used). I have also heard that in some areas planning permission for change of use to a habitation cannot be given where the building is within 50m of a property with more than 3 dogs (though unsure if that is the house, dog kennels, etc.). What it does mean is that, should you need permission and you have e.g. an old barn close-by, you might get the barn owner objecting if you asked for permission (as he could no longer sell the barn for conversion to a house).

I have not heard (or read) of anybody experiencing any difficulties with having more than 3 dogs. It may be that if you asked your maire that you could “open a can of worms”. In practice, if you are rural ad remote and your dogs cause no trouble I would not expect problems.

I can give you a link to a thread with a few opinions if you want (PM me – as its on a different forum and some people don’t link posting links to other forums.)

Sorry, probably has not helped much.

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This is what a fellow LF member told me on another "doggy" forum "For example, if you want more than three dogs you need to live more than a certain distance away from your neighbour or get permission from your maire (break the rule and you risk being forced to have one put to sleep).  If you go for permission and there is a barn within 50m of you property, expect any permission to be contested as the owner of the barn as they can then not sell it for conversion as this would also break another planning rule (a habitable property within 50m of somewhere with more than 3 dogs), etc. (rules vary a bit around the country)."

I have also heard if you have more than one litter of puppies per year you need to register as a breeder.  http://www.scc.asso.fr  There's tons of info but it's all in French. I think you also run the risk of having to register as a business and potentially having to obtain qualifications.  I had considered it myself but when I started looking into it I decided it was too much hassle to do purely as a hobby so I stuck to obedience and agility rather than "beauty" and "breeding", but then I only have 2 dogs and live more than 50m from my neighbours.

I would have thought if you live in France and your dogs were show dogs you would want to register with the necessary regulatory bodies in France anyway so your dogs were LOF too?

One thing you may like to try is to speak to a labrador breeder based in France or mainland Europe.  Some are very helpful and will offer advice if you need it.

It is quite different here too with pure breed dogs.  The main thing that struck me is that pups from a professional breeder/show kennel are sold (for a lot more than a UK pup), fully vaccinated and tattooed/chipped, with a kind of birth certificate (not a full pedigree) then they have to go in front of a judge at a dog show when they reach a certain age to get a final certificate to show they conform to the breed standard!    I guess you knew that anyway but I didn't! 

Good luck and, though I hate to say it, it is really a minefield (like so many things here!)

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Thanks everyone for your replies.

I wouldn't want to break any rules but it seems that you can break them without knowing that there are any to break - if you see what I mean!

If there are any people in the forum that actively show dogs in France at the moment it would be great to hear from them.

Meanwhile I shall go round the show ring at Crufts and eavesdrop -- listening for the French speaking Lab enthusiasts!

Crufts usually attracts many foreigners so hopefully...

best wishes







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