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obesity in chickens


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We have five different types of chicken. One group, just plain white, don't know the breed, are much greedier than all the rest and are becoming really gross. They are so fat they can hardly walk, just waddle. There's one male and when he mounts the females he squashes them flat to the ground.The others run around a lot and scrat for food in the field.There does seem to be a big genetic element in obesity,which might apply to humans too. I think these white hens are for the pot soon. They are eating us out of house and home! I suppose there's no way we can put them on a diet? Pat.
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The only plain white chickens I have ever had were eaters and not layers. They ate like mad, grew like mad and made reasonable eating. I think that this is probably what you have.

We are still getting 3 or 4 eggs a day from our 4 chooks and it is so cold it is lucky they are not brass monkeys. Nothing seems to put them off laying and I am used to hens going off lay when it gets cold/they moult.

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Chickens are very greedy.  Mine rush up the garden every time I open the back door to see what I have for them to eat!

Still, it keeps them fit!

I have the Orpington and Coucou de Rennes which are large anyway.  Marans, Acaurana (sp) a grey, Isabelle, Chief Hen who has been here so long I can't remember her race.  She is Golden.  Then I have the black cou nu...you don't mess with them!

Then there is the dinde!  Getting fatter and more magnificent every day.  She must be 25 kilos.  Perhaps more.

Anyway, after all this bragging about my Girls, the white ones are usually for eating.  Same breed as those in the chicken sheds.

Got to go and cook their breakfast.....

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