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Poor Merlin...


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A bit of a soppy request, but there you go.  It also comes with a warning to animal owners over here too.

My gorgeous young cocker spaniel, Merlin, has eaten something (we know not what) poisonous this morning and has been at the vet's since midday.  He looked awful.  Every time the phone rings, I'm hoping it's not bad news...

We have been and warned all the nighbours to take care of their pets - and asked if anyone has put poison down.  Of course, no-one has...    The dogs (there is a brother cocker) are never out of our sight and certainly never out of our garden and boundaries.

So!  Fingers firmly crossed for Merlin please! 


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Thank you SO much for your message - grateful for your support.  Merlin had to stay in the vets overnight, as he had had a fit.  But he has made a good recovery and has just been brought home - MERCI BEAUCOUP to the vets in Lisieux! 

I found out this morning that a neighbour's dog died last night - a lovely young fox terrier, with the same symptoms as Merlin - but he didn't get medical attention in time.  Merlin and the terrier have both had blood tests to determine what the poison was.

Village rumours are that (a) it is a farmer putting down poisoned meat to attract foxes, or (b) it is les chasseurs doing the same thing in the woods at the end of our garden

Take care, everyone who has animals in the countryside - and act quickly if you suspect poisoning.

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[quote]Thank you SO much for your message - grateful for your support. Merlin had to stay in the vets overnight, as he had had a fit. But he has made a good recovery and has just been brought home - MERCI ...[/quote]

So glad to hear Merlin is (fingers crossed) on the mend and back home.  I've just had a bit of a trauma with one of my dogs but thankfully it turned out to be some sort of gastroenteritis not poisoning or anything quite so nasty.  I am so paranoid about mine (after one had pirplasmosis) that we go to the vets at the slightest thing.  I'd rather be safe than sorry. 

Keep us posted



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Unfortunately, there are lots of things doggies can get up to when given a bit of space.

Last year, Harry the Springer (he was only a year old then) found a large snake in the trees & tried to bring it in the house.  It turned out to be a grass snake, well over a metre long, which looked pretty big to me.

Shortly afterwards, he took a fancy to some caterpillers (that spelling doesn't look right) & after eating about 20 or so was reeling around, violently sick, foaming at the mouth, and my french vet also showed me that they burned the inside of his mouth.

They are called something like "chenil processional", come down from the sapins in the spring & give off acid when attacked.  Harry was OK after a day or so.

What I am saying, even as far north as Brittany, there are many natural "enemies" as well as man made ones. 

Interestingly though, Jason the Cocker is far too grown up to do anything that stupid.  Crazy kids!



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Eating caterpillars sounds exactly the sort of thing Merlin's brother Jarvis would do!  above?! 

Our boys are 2 on 1st March, and as first time spaniel owners, it has been an enriching experience!  I'll try and put up a picture of them...  Jason looks as though he could be a brother to Jarvis and Merlin!

And Nicola - gastro enteritis sounds nasty enough - especially if you're having to clean up after him!  Hope he is soon on the mend...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hmmmm, it seems Merlin has quite enchanting life.............and you 'dog lovers' stopped him and Springer, the catapillar consuming catawauler, from going to doggie heaven......shame on you....still I suppose the French baits your dogs sneak out and get is just deserts for the amount of baiting you give them as you slip, Pimpernelianly, into their country as the brits encourage another revolution (yes it was the English who initiated the 1789 one!!)!!

and Diana "our animals are our loves and lives"...something seriously wrong here darling ...that place belongs to Fosters lager!! or in my case the new low carbohydrate beer from Victoria (no NOT her!!)


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