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GB dog living in France


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I wish to export my dog when I move to France.

I have checked with DEFRA what I need to do.

Now I have been warned that an English dog cannot be treated against tics in France as an English dog with French tics would develop septicaemia and die!

Has anybody heard of this?
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Our english bull terrier lives here in france with us and i have never heard of this.  The vets treat the dogs for fleas and ticks when going to and from france, so i'm sure if a english dog would die from it then the vets wouldn't treat them.  Our dog has been de-fleaed and de-ticked here in france and is fine.  Our vet is in Loudeac and speaks perfect english too.
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[quote]Cor racist tic's. Only joking, I think somebody is having a laugh at your expence.[/quote]

What tosh! Quillan is right, someone is definitely pulling your leg!  I have 2 GB dogs living happily here.  Both have monthly treatment for fleas and ticks and have also travelled to and from the UK under the PETS scheme.  One has even had the tick disease (piroplasmosis) despite the monthly tick treatment and was sucessfully treated and is now as right as rain.  Even French dogs don't have immunity to French ticks!  I know several dogs French born and bred who've had piro and are okay after treatment.  Just remember to keep up with the preventative treatments (Frontline or whatever), keep an eye on the dog for strange behaviour (often a sign of piro), groom regularly and maybe even have a vaccination against piro (which is about 80% effective, so they say) if you are really worried.



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Hi aren't there enough of these resource munching 'barquers' in France already?? the place is riddled with them...France is also a dog excrement nightmare for pedestrians...Hey why don't you have them crap at your own place before the 'innocent' walky takes place??.  and hey do you pommies take a plastic bag scraper and antiseptic to clean up their wormy messes..or just leave it there for someone else to take home on their shoes?

We are al aware that we abuse smokers for their dirty habits but the fouling by dogs and cats "walked their by their owners"..oh well that's natural...!!(sure!!)

I wonder....Why does anyone need a personal zoo as opposed to an animal friend..I recall one woman conned by an English "Real Estate Agent"(via official files)  sleeping three nights in her car with a couple of dogs or three a cat or two and a parrot...what's the loneliness problem over there? I realise walking the dog is a great chat up lurk but...it seems excessive and more than mildly excentric to have three or six on a string....I know the Queen is a poor example but........

It wouldn't have happened in my time...




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[quote]:whistling Hi aren't there enough of these resource munching 'barquers' in France already?? the place is riddled with them...France is also a dog excrement nightmare for pedestrians...Hey why don't ...[/quote]

and this is coming from someone from a country infested by big things with pouches. At least HyperU sells the meat and it tastes jolly good!
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[quote]:whistling Hi aren't there enough of these resource munching 'barquers' in France already?? the place is riddled with them...France is also a dog excrement nightmare for pedestrians...Hey why don't ...[/quote]

  Such comments from one who comes from a country where people do not realise that you can actually buy fly repellant rather than walk around with daft corks hanging from your hat!!!

Tee hee!!!

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[quote]Such comments from one who comes from a country where people do not realise that you can actually buy fly repellant rather than walk around with daft corks hanging from your hat!!! Tee hee!!![/quote]

They actually use the "fly repellant" as deodorant. That's why they still use corks around the hats.

have you been for a walk in Earls Court when the pubs are offering 3 for 1 Fosters. Even the flys have a low survival rate then.

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I am still chuckling...now look you pommie retros this was all eplained in bazza mackenzie (not your generation??) The kangaroo pouch was developed as a place for carrying the fosters for this we have "god' to thank as he prepared the country for its gin soaked officers and its neglected children...looking ahead he saw we'd be able to use kangas to deliver slabs of beer to the aboriginies more economically whilst having one on standby for our own needs. (don't say it!!). Our slouch hat with the 12 corks is really a modern revival of the Table round...each chivalric fly has a cork inscribed with its own dotting.......The cork on the hat collection is really a sort of filtering system like the old jousting fields of England...flies who survive the swinging armory get a chance at the big one...the revolving loo cylinder or alternatively the sawdust scoop at both featured in various outside loos! )

It was Aussie love of the environment that, helping laid back flies develop into the demands of modernity. We even let maggots into the country...As for disinfectant ...we had bathrooms and soap back in 1830...you lot were still manning the barricades against regular cleansing in 1955!!...took Government (and so scammed that was!!) picking up the tab to even you blokes to soften up enough get a bathroom installed...so the spray disinfectant was invented and we told pommie visitors to Oz it was odour- cologne, they had no idea of French but knew that the French were sophisticated and won the sheilas and so they sprayed themselves all over.....even drank it!!

Nevertheless none of you answered the question about the plastic bags etc....anyone know what I meant??



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"Nevertheless none of you answered the question about the plastic bags etc....anyone know what I meant??"

Well yes I think I do know what you mean. Much to the amusement of our French counterparts we take a 'Poop a Scoop' with bags out with us even down to the beach (well actually always to the beach in particular). Most of the time when it's called in to action the French give us really strange looks and ask us why not just leave it, every one else does. Only on one occassion has anyone said thanks.

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[quote]I am still chuckling...now look you pommie retros this was all eplained in bazza mackenzie (not your generation??) The kangaroo pouch was developed as a place for carrying the fosters for this we have...[/quote]

Excellent reply Plato. At least it proves humour is not dead and only dormant in this "PC" environment.

Keep playing with your digerydoo and may all your boomerangs return with a smile!

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To original poster: When you move to France, please don’t forget to treat your dog for ticks. Note that e.g. Frontline may “prevent” fleas for 3 months but for ticks its only one month. In France there are some really serious diseases carried by ticks (ones that if not treated quickly can kill your dog quickly) – diseases that are not present in the UK (http://fr.merial.com/pdfs/prevention/Leaflet_PIRODOG_tryp_ok_2_quest.pdf).

If you have reservations (after all you may not know anybody posting advice here), check with your vet (either in UK before travel or in France after arriving). Whatever you do, don’t not treat your dog(s) for ticks (apologies for the double negative).

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[quote]To original poster: When you move to France, please don’t forget to treat your dog for ticks. Note that e.g. Frontline may “prevent” fleas for 3 months but for ticks its only one month. In France th...[/quote]

I thought only American Indians had reservations.
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[quote]I am still chuckling...now look you pommie retros this was all eplained in bazza mackenzie (not your generation??) The kangaroo pouch was developed as a place for carrying the fosters for this we have...[/quote]

Good on yer!  An Aussie with a sense of humour - ripper!  Welcome to the mad house! Or should it be

Yep, as Quillan says, we do the pooh bag thing here. Mind you they think it's mad to have our dogs on leads never mind picking up last nights dinner!!!!  It does warm your hands on a frosty morning though (from inside a plastic bag, I hasten to add) - far better than gloves

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