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Three adorable tabby kittens looking for loving permanent homes.

Tip, Top and Tap are nine weeks old (born Xmas day), mother Siamese cross, father farm Tabby. Tip and Tap are boys. Top is a girl.
Cute, gorgeous and ready to go.

Please call Tiffany 05 53 31 23 61


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Hear Hear John,

Our 3 cats and our dog are all 'done'. To be quite honest I think it is somewhat irrisponcible on behalf of animal owners particularily cat owners (they tend to roam more) not to have their animals done. All the charities in the UK who rehome always have the animals done. If you want your animals to have offspring then you have to take full responibility for them. If you can't afford to have them 'done' then you probably can't afford to feed them either so you shouldn't have them.

That said I hope these poor animals are found caring happy homes.

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Thankyou everyone for your holier than thou attitudes... so refreshing to see that English pomposity is alive and well right here in France.

As usual, you need educating.

I rescue and foster animals that have been rescued and am connected to Sheerik for whom I have been associated for some time. I am homing these kittens who are someone else's accident and now eating ME out of house and home!

Part of our principle in homing young animals is to insist that the parents are sterilised. These kittens will be homed to responsible owners and will be sterilised at my expense, as has the mother...

I appreciate your sentiments, but having suffered several dozens of dogs, several hundred puppies and multiples of cats over the last four years who have been fostered with us and all successfully homed, it would be nice to have some support, rather than criticism?


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"Thankyou everyone for your holier than thou attitudes... so refreshing to see that English pomposity is alive and well right here in France."

So Tiffany, when I suggest neutering a cat I'm pompous but when you have it neutered that's ok. All about timing I suppose.

Personally I would be delighted if every cat and kitten on this earth was obliterated or better still, they could feed the starving millions for a a day or few but perhaps I am not entitled to an opinion.

Pompous, superior yet uneducated of N Lot



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Well perhaps I was sharp with you John, but I'm a Forum newbie, not a 'Guru'  and was encouraged to come here by the animal rescue I support as it is seen as a good place to find likeminded people who will help home our strays.... I didn't realise I was going to be roundly criticised for my lack of responsibility. I was hoping for posts offering homes.... so to come online and find only a rather pompously worded (if moderately humerous) response instead of help offered, was disappointing and between the first two posters you gave the impression of being cliquey and smug. If you didn't intend that, I suggest you amend your tone to newbies in future?

You also immediately assumed something entirely inaccurate. That suggests an uneducated response. I responded to what I read.
I will, in future, clearly declare that my many fosters needing homes (all year round from Christmas to Christmas) are in fact abandoned to, rather than created by, me.


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May I be allowed to pick up on something here?

The original poster (sorry don't have a name!) mentioned something that perhaps is not well known and might deserve a wider audience. It's fostering animals from shelters. I'm a newcomer to this concept but it's something that we have recently considered as I believe it performs a useful function and at the same time allows people whose life-style is not suited to owning pets long term (for example, potential future job postings) to look after one.

As I understand it, and I'm sure there are more involved and knowledgeable folk out there- there is often a requirement for shelters to foster dogs/cats out to carers, sometimes to make way for more animals, sometimes to enable a (soon to be doctored!) cat or dog to give birth in non-kennel surroundings. The shelter continues to seek to re-home the animal in the normal way.

   I'm sure the rewards of doing it are self-evident but I guess the down-side is saying goodbye when the pet is found a permanent home!


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Daer Tiffany,

I would just like to say well done and also that I would have been very hurt if I had received those replies in your situation. 

Yes John, everyone is entitled to an opinion  but try not to hurt others at the same time - if you are likely to hurt someone then it is better to keep it to yourself.  Suggesting feeding the starving millions with cats is not funny nor economically viable nor is it sensible to imply that if we gave all the money to the starving millions it would make much of a difference - there needs to be a huge sea change in politics before that could happen.  What happens to all the money raised for all the African charities?  I am well informed that a lot of the money and the free food goes straight into the pockets (and/or stomachs) of the rich Africans.

Keep up the good work Tiffany!


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Tiffany, I think you are slightly preaching to the converted, Quillan and Inceni are both the sort of responsible (possible) pet owners you seek, as you hadn't said you were a rescue, how were they to know ? - you assumed they would, they assumed you were a private individual - thats a no score draw in my book, perhaps it would be best just to start again ?

Many animals have found loving homes through this forum, so don't give up
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[quote]Tiffany, I think you are slightly preaching to the converted, Quillan and Inceni are both the sort of responsible (possible) pet owners you seek, as you hadn't said you were a rescue, how were they to...[/quote]

Thank you Gay.

Tiffany - No I didn't know you were an animal rescue, I thought you were somebody acting irresponsibly with their pets and had ended up with a handful of offspring that they didn't want all because they could not be bothered to have their animals 'done'. You know this happens otherwise you would not be here trying to find homes for these poor animals.

I actually have 3 cats and a dog, two of the cats came from the UK and so did our dog Sam who came from WAGS (Wood Green Animal Shelter). We have taken a rescue cat in France but they didn't have it 'done' in fact they mentioned nothing about this so we had it 'done' ourselves but then they never asked us for money either so I guess it's a fair price to pay.

Moderators Hat ON

May I suggest that if you want to do this again in the forum that you send your message to Forum Admin who may be willing to put a 'sticky' on it for a few weeks so it stays at the top of the list. You may also find that by contacting the the magazine they might get you extra publicity or even ask you to do an article on the matter as I can't remember ever seeing one on this subject.

Moderators Hat OFF

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May make I suggest that you put where you are and your interest in pet rescue on your profile. That should also help to avoid any confusion in the future.

You refer to Sheerik - with four posts to his/her name not someone who is widely known and I notice that there is nothing on their profile either.

I am sorry that you were upset by the response you had, but actually it’s mostly from other people also concerned about animal welfare.

Insulting the English won’t help your cause.

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[quote]Perhaps it would be a good idea for anyone posting to find homes for GENUINE rescues only, to say so in their first post on the topic or use a name that indicates your status ? Some of us guess, but i...[/quote]


when people are posting information about animals needing homes for whatever reasons, **please include the location** - at least the department but town as well ideally. Phone prefix isn't sufficient... 05 = ? south west, is it? Large area.

Good luck with finding homes.

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Di not John here

I have sent more posts than I care to think about to find out the location when others have come onto this board offering dogs to good homes. When we get a dog it will be from a shelter or similar but France is a big country and knowing something is in our region would make life much easier.  Region and nearest large town would be even better.

As you will gather, we are not looking for cats of any description

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I'm totally in agreement with all of you, except the part about feeding cats to hungry people (ugh... can't we give them our leftover food mountains instead!).... apologies whereever necessary for not having clarified my position.

A very good point was made about fostering animals. The value in re-homing dogs and cats which have been fostered in normal homes rather than direct from SPA kennels or other Refuges, is enormous. I have been fostering for three years and our comeback rate is virtually zero. It's sad to let them go, of course, but it's very rewarding to know that almost every pet we home on has a happy place for life. We are lucky in the quality of people who come forward and the kind of homes offered, but more fosterers are always needed. And of course an effective national sterilisation campaign would be great too, but we can't hope for miracles can we?...

Starting again as of now...

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Holier than thou?

Yeah, you'll get loads of that on this forum. Sometimes some really good advice too, it has to be said (!). Unfortunately, people too often think the worst and jump in feet first with some lecture or other.

The kittens sound absolutely wonderful - I have a similar oriental/tabby cross and she is a real character, bossy and completely better than everyone else (including me!)!!!

It doesn't seem to be the done thing to have animals neutered here which is a real pain. I have been singled out by a local cat who seems to want to have her kittens here (at least I think that is the way she is going as she is very fat!) rather than stay at home. I eventually found her owner after putting posters up everywhere but she came back after only being home 1 day. I am going to talk to the owner and see what she wants to do but if she does stay here I will be looking for homes for kittens and then having mum 'done'.

Why can't you people (some of you anyway) assume that someone is doing a good deed rather than acting irresposibly first?

I came back to this forum to search for an entry on 'plus value' and came up with this entry about the kittens - go figure! I have been avoiding it for a while because of the general holier than thou attitude. I actually subscribe to another forum now which seems to be much more down to earth and judgement-free (or less so anyway!).

Re. finding homes for the kittens - have you put some signs up? I got my last cat from a poster at Point P!!!!!!! I have 6 and the extra guest in the barn! And 4 dogs!!!!

Good luck to you, cats like this are lucky to come across people like you.

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Iceni or John, whichever - I find your attitude very sad - who are you trying to impress. How can you suggest that cats, kittens should be obliterated - they are all Gods creatures and have as much right on this planet as small minded bigots like you. I have four cats and find them much better company than most humans I know (and some I don't want to know).

Tiffany - I am with you on this, think you are very good to try to rehome these little animals. Agree with you about pompous Brits, there are lots of them around. Best wishes to you in the work you do.

from Jude

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TiffanyS has a really positive attitude, forgive and forget, whatever, there was a misunderstanding at the beginning, people do feel strongly about animals. But you last two, what's that about? Get over yourselves, as Swissbarry has written at length elsewhere, stop squabbling. It's boring.
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tourangelle, I don't think there was a 'misunderstanding' at the beginning, iceni or john whatever did suggest that cats, kittens should be obliterated or eaten by the starving masses (actually Johny, dogs are eaten in the Far East, does that please you perhaps??)

Get real tourangelle, Johny was being a little obnoxious - at least as far as us cat people are concerned.

I wasn't 'squabbling' - having only posted one reply is hardly that tourangelle, is it? This is a Forum, where we can say what we think, (as long as we are not swearing or being racist) and I think iceni or Johny whichever, was being rather disgusting - as I place my cats standing in the world on a level to people like him and they have as much right to exist as he does, and he is obviously a clever chap (I did peep at his business site) so why does he despise cats so much - is he scared of them maybe?

I find his statement rather extreme and unpleasant and think he should take it back.

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I think you should take Johns comments with a 'pinch of salt' and move on.......

The 'sticky' now gives instructions for those looking to rehome pets, hopefully this will prevent further misunderstandings

PS I think you may find its Di's site - see how easy it is to assume ?
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