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Registering my details with Electricity and Water companies.

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Hi, I wonder if anyone can help me. I have just bought two houses in a small village in 24 about 20kms south of Bergerac. They both have water and electricity already connected and I need to register my bank details and give readings (I think). However, neither houses have addresses as such. Just the name of owner and village. I tried ringing the water company at Mussidan with my limited french and was told they couldn't help without a proper address. I'm not sure what to do now. I'm back in England and am hoping that I won't be cut off!
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When you buy through an agence immobilier they should sort this out on your behalf. Some notaires will too - perhaps you could try asking them if the utilities are being obstructive?

French addresses consist solely of the owner's name followed by the location (often confusingly referred to as 'village' even when there are only a couple of houses there), then the postcode (which will be shared by several communes) and the name of the commune - that's it. Larger communes will have road names and numbers but in the case of small communes addresses in the village usually include 'le bourg' for the location even if the road is named.

If the utilities can't find the houses from the address you give, then there should be a reference, or at least a road name, on the cadastral plan you should have received with the initial sale contract which will help them pinpoint where you are.

Will (50)
Forum moderator

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Your local Trsor Public will also give you your "official" address which they have on record for the previous owner too if you don't get anywhere. If you can, visit EDF in person as I get the impression they hate phone calls from british property owners who don't speak fluent french.
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