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i have 2 horses and would love to be the proud owner of a donkey.  Are they the same to look after as a horse?  Can i leave it out 24/7 if i have a shelter put up for it. My 2 horses are stabled at night but i don't have the time at the moment to put up another stable.  Any donkey advice would be greatful.  Can it go in with the horses?  I had heard that donkey's can carry a harmless disease to themselves but harmful to horses, how true this is i don't know.  Thanks all you donkey lovers

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Hi, until 5 minutes ago I knew absolutely nothing about donkey or horse care, however a quick search of the internet turned up a NZ donkey care page, which seems to give answers to alot of your questions.  The site is...   http://www.homestead.com/DonkeysNZ/Care.html

The most important piece of info. which I spotted is the fact that donkey's do need a shelter - so it looks like you'll have to wait until you've built one.


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"finding one to buy here in France, don't seem to see that many"

..............blimey, you don't live in Manche then, round here every small patch of orchard or paddock has a donkey in it, and the weekly small ads are full of donkeys for sale!!
I have a donkey as a companion for my horse, he is a real character - I reckon  that the similarity between donkeys and horses are about the same as between dogs and cats!! You have to make the donkey think that what you want him to do was his idea in the first place, whereas my horse will do things because they are what I have asked him to do!!
In general, donkeys prefer a 'rougher' pasture - mine likes nettles and thistle tops, but I tend to make sure there is hay available in the field shelter all year round, in case he feels like a bit 'of rough'! He prefers to be outside and hates being stabled, but uses the shelter when it is wet and windy. He is rising 4 now and we have decide to try and break him in to a small cart, which could well proove very interesting, if not a bit hair-raising!!
It is true that there can be the possibility of horses contracting lungworm if they graze with donkeys, but I am sure that I read that this was largely because donkeys show no signs of infection, whereas horses do, and if your animals are regularly wormed and your fields regularly poo-picked, then this should not be a problem. I always tell the vet that I am grazing a donkey and horse together when I go to buy their wormers.
You have probably read all this and more on the suggested web-sites, but I thought I would give you a bit of first hand knowledge as well!
Good luck in your hunt for the perfect donkey!






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