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Taking a Cat back to the UK: PETS, Quarantine and Flights

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We are moving back permanently back to the UK and want to try and take our cat.  We have made the enquiries about the PETS passport scheme but we may have to leave before the 6 months are up.

A couple of questions

1. if we don't do the PETS passport scheme, is the quarantine procedure still in operation

2. if we fly back, any advice on putting a cat on a plane (cost, restrictions per airline, cargo hold etc)

Thanks for any information

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With regards to quarantine - yes UK regs still apply - six months solitary!! Similarly it takes over six months in France. First to have rabies shot, then the blood test which is one month after the initial vaccination. You then have to count forward six months from the result of the blood test/its receipt at the labs - and there appears to be only one in France! Add to all this the cost - our cats last year cost about 400 euros EACH! It's probably better to pay for quarantine in UK - at least you can visit your pet.

To ship back to UK - most of the ferry companies are geared up these days; you would need to check with flight operators - maybe even on-line?

Hope this helps!


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Hello Kevin - below are URLs for useful information;

The first seems to be an excellent site which has various links for kennels etc. The other two are DEFRA

Best of luck!









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