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dead chickens


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Sorry - rather a sad topic. Occasionally one of our chickens just drops down dead, or gradually fades away. When they are ill or injured we separate them into the " hospital". At the moment we are nursing one who was badly torn in her sides by the claws of an over-eager cockerel. My question is, how should we dispose of the bodies? If we bury them the dogs are likely to dig them up. Pat.
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Are you in the country Pat?  When all my poultry was killed by 'something', I asked my neighbour if I could put them in his bin for dead animals.

That or visit a rubbish bin where you are not known in the dead of night....

My coq tried to kill the Chief Hen yesterday.  He nearly got killed by me!  She is ok.  Swanning around the garden and he is locked up in the run.


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Thanks to both. We did burn one, but don't often have a bonfire. I suppose we could arrange a "private cremation". And I have disposed of one in double plastic bags in a bin. We are in the country. But I didn't know that farmers have special receptacles for dead animals. Pat.
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