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Whats happened to my eggs??


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My goose had 8 eggs in her nest which we were marking so we new which ones were freshly layed.  On checking the nest a few days ago we found NONE.

Where have they gone??  There was no egg related mess and she doesn't seem distressed and is continuing to lay in the same place. Her mate is very aggressive and protective so it doesn't seem likely that anyone would have braved his attacks and entered the area.

Any ideas

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predetors of some kind .mink.....martins.(stone/beech)..........weasals.......stoats...all are egg thiefs and will take an egg away froma nest to eat then return for anothertry a cage trap close to goos with chicken egg insude broken on toa slice of bread dont forget to check evry couple of hours.......mojo
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I suspect Mojo is correct, sounds like the usual suspect the dreaded Fouine (stone Martin) he/she will be back for more so you will need to be ready, using hens eggs in the trap is good advice, but what to do with it, if you catch it, is the question, good luck.
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