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Time allowed for new build

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Hello Brian.

A CU, once issued, is valid for a year. You can ask for another one at the end of this period, but there's no guarantee that it will be given.

If you want to be sure to be able to build but for some reason don't want to start right away then the best option is to apply for planning permission near the end of your CU. This will buy you another 2 years before you have to start work. You can get the planning permission prolonged by another year with a simple request to the Mairie. That gives you over 3 years after you buy the land.

You should be aware that getting a house built in France takes a lot longer than in england. Realistically, you should count on between 12 and 18 months to get it completed. Beware of people telling you that you can get it done faster than this.

We frequently help English people build their houses in France - use us for information! We love to give advice

If you want any other information then don't hesitate to contact me.

All the best.

Ben Symons
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