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Oral Contraceptive for a Cat

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Does anyone know if it is possible to get an oral contraceptive for a female cat in France. A very young feral had a litter of kittens in our barn four weeks ago and appears to be calling again. She can't be spayed until after the kittens are weaned and we don't want her getting pregnant again. We don't particularly want to lock her in but we may have to in order to prevent any more wanton behaviour!

We are gradually getting closer to her (she will eat out of my hand now) and we handle the kittens every day, but we want to avoid another litter at all costs.

I'd have to rename her Vicky Pollard!

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I believe such things exist and are available from a vet (at least they are for dogs). I’ve never seen such things in pet shops nor the like so assume vet only. You may want to ask you vet about “morning after” pills as well (as I guess you probably don’t know who is visiting when ?
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I think I'd shut the cat in the barn - or confine her with her kits elsewhere. If you feed her well, she may be quite content and it'll make catching her easier when you arrange her visit to the vet. If she's on the pill, presumably the kits will get a dose of hormone too. But if a tom can't get to her, you solve your problem.
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Two of my cats are female and as they cannot be neutered until at least six months old but come into season before that age so we had to give the pill for a couple of times. However,I did not want that expense and worry all the time for the rest of their breeding lives so I had them both neutered and as the vet said,you can't always be sure they have swallowed the tablet or will be about when the next one is due. Your local vet will sell them but they are not cheap if you intend for the cat to stay for some time. I also think neutering will get the cat to stay with you as well if you give her lots of love and attention.
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Thanks everyone for your advice. Catalpa - you are quite right about the kittens getting the hormone too so we have decided not to try the contraceptive. We'll just try and keep her confined until she calms down. Our (neutered) male from England can't understand all the attention he's getting!

She is being very well fed and I have high hopes that we will eventually be able to make a pet of her - fingers crossed.

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